Survey of River Ice Influences on Channel Bathymetry Along the Fort Peck Reach of the Missouri River, Winter 1998-1999 - TR02-140001Abstract - TR02-140002Survey of River Ice Influences on Channel Bathymetry Along the Fort Peck Reach of the Missouri River, Winter 1998-1999 - TR02-140003CONTENTS - TR02-140005CONTENTS - continued - TR02-140006UNITS OF MEASUREMENTINTRODUCTION - TR02-140011Figure 1. Fort Peck reach of the Missouri River.SignificanceBackground - TR02-140014PHYSICAL SETTING OF THE FORT PECK REACHBed sedimentA typical subreach in which the river narrows to a single channel bend.Figure 3. Missouri River between RM 1621 and 1620, near Culbertson, Montana. (From CRM 1996.)RiverbanksFlow characteristicsFigure 6. Hydrographs for water years 1930 and 1987, before and after construction of the Fort Peck DamFigure 7. Mean daily flow rates indicated by the USGS gage at Fort Peck.Figure 8. Flow frequency curves for the Current Water Control Plan (CWCP) and the Preferred Alternative (PA) schedules for water release from Fort Peck Dam. (From Pokrefke et al. 1998.)Ice formationREVIEW OF RIVER ICE INFLUENCES ON CHANNEL MORPHOLOGYFactors affecting river iceIce cover influence on the local cross section of flowFigure 9. Effect of ice cover on flow conveyance in lateral segments of a two-part, compound ChannelChannel anabranching and avulsionFigure 10. Effect of an ice cover on flow depth and velocityCover influence on thalweg alignmentIce cover influence on channel bed elevationIce cover influence on channel bed elevation - continuedREVIEW OF RIVER ICE INFLUENCES ON RIVERBANKSThermal influences on riverbank strengthBankfast ice loading of riverbanksGouging and abrasion of riverbanksGouging and abrasion of riverbanks - continuedSURVEY PROGRAMFigure 15. Locations of the survey sitesTable 1. Ice impact processes investigatedTable 2. Soil types at monitored sites. (From Simon et al. 1999.)Specific issues for survey sitesFigure 17. Survey cross sections near RM 16201621, Culbertson siteFeatures of survey sitesFigure 19. Survey cross sections near RM 16231624, Tveit-Johnson siteFigure 21. Survey cross sections near RM 16311632, Vournas siteFigure 22. RM 1646, Mattelin siteFigure 24. Sediment accumulation at an irrigation pump site near RM 1687, Whitmer site.Figure 25.Figure 26. Survey cross sections near RM 17151716, Pipal siteSummary of measurements and observationsSummary of measurements and observations - continuedINSTRUMENTATION - TR02-140054Table 3. Site monitoring and survey alignments.Ice thickness measurementsFigure 28. Typical radar profile of ice cover thicknessVelocity profilingFigure 30. Marsh-McBirney velocity meter with extension poleWeb camerasFigure 32. The four web cameras.Scour monitorsFigure 33. Simulated TDR signal and schematic of probeFigure 34. Locations of TDR bed-level monitors. TDR numbers and the respective cable lengths: TDR 1 (400 ft); TDR 2, 4, 5, and 6 (500 ft); and TDR 7 (700 ft)Figure 35. Schematic of the on-shore data acquisition systemFigure 36. Comparison between the reflected signals using a Tektronics 1502 step pulse and a Tektronics 1503 using the impulse signalFigure 37. Hydrostatic water pressure at the Culbertson site plotted as equivalent stageScour monitors - continuedFigure 39. Waterfall plot of images from TDR 1 captured using the 1503SURVEY CONDITIONSFigure 41. Average precipitation for the fall period of 1970 to 1999 and precipitation for January 1997 to January 1999, with the two fall periods highlightedFigure 42. Early stage of breakup in the downstream reach of the Pipal site on 14 February 1999.Figure 43. Ice conditions at the Culbertson site on 17 March 1999 in the early stages of breakupFigure 44. Discharge from the Fort Peck Dam with measurements from the Wolf Point and Culbertson gagesFINDINGS AT SURVEY SITESFigure 45Figure 26\Figure 26Figure 47. Bed profiles of cross sections at RM 1620.4Bed profilesBed profiles - continuedTDR measurementsFigure 49. Bed elevation on the north bank of the north channel detected using TDR 1 and the 1503Figure 50. Bed elevations from the TDRs using the 1503Figure 52. Bed level changes at TDR 3 using the 1503Figure 53. Bed level changes at TDR 6 using the 1503Tveit-Johnson site, RM 16241626Figure - TR02-140088figure 55 - contFigure 56Figure 57. Change in the north bank position following breakup.Figure 58Figure 59. Bed profile cross sections at RM 1623.97Figure 60. Velocity distributions at approximately mid-channel at RM 1624.02Figure 60Figure 61Figure 62Figure 63. Crack development in the south riverbank at RM 1632.55Figure 64. Bed profile cross sections at RM 1632.55.Figure 65. Velocity distributions about mid-channel downstream at cross section RM 1632.55 at approximately 200 ft from the right bankFigure 66Figure 66 (cont.). Mattelin site (RM 16451647) during the surveyIce cover thicknessFigure 67. Bed profile cross sections at RM 1646.9TR02-14