USING HIGH SPATIAL RESOLUTION DIGITAL IMAGERYLand Cover Classification of Reference WetlandsEnhanced Levee Inspections - ERDC-TR-05-10015Detailed Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife RefugeIMAGE ACQUISITIONFigure 1. CAMIS model 4768P airborne digital multispectral sensorLevee InspectionsInvasive Species MappingFigure 4. True-color and false color composites of Fisheating Bay, Monkey BoxIKONOSAISAOperating ModesDownwelling irradiance measurementDownwelling irradiance measurement-continueFigure 7. Location and orientation of AISA flightlines over Blackwater Wildlife RefugeIMAGE POST-PROCESSINGFigure 8. Raw false color CAMIS frame (top) and band registered false color CAMIS frame (bottom) Knapps Narrows, frame 106Figure 9. Band registered true color CAMIS frame (top) and radiometrically corrected true color CAMIS frame (below)Figure 10. True color, three-frame mosaic of Piney Creek (PIN) wetlandFigure 11. Knapps Narrows mosaic before and after geometric registration to DOQQFigure 13. Knapps Narrows and PIN mosaics after subsetting (or clipping)Enhanced Levee Inspections - ERDC-TR-05-10034Figure 14. Examples of (a) poor, and (b) good geometric registration Figure 15. 4 September 2001 geo-registered mosaicsFigure 15. ContinuedFigure 16. 17 July 2002 geo-registered mosaicsFigure 16. ContinuedGeometric CorrectionRadiometric CorrectionHistogram Evaluation and Adjustment-continueFigure 18. True color mosaic of uncorrected lines BLINE7E and BLINE8WFigure 19. False color mosaic of uncorrected lines BLINE7E and BLINE8W Figure 20. Flightlines BLINE7E and BLINE8W and their associated mean reflectance spectra, including background pixelsFigure 21. Flightlines BLINE7E and BLINE8W and their associated mean reflectance spectra, without background pixelsReflectance-calibrated imagerySpecular Reflectance or Water GlintReduction in Data DimensionalityCross-Track Illumination CorrectionFigure 22. Example of NDVI imageFigure 23. Flightline BLINE7E and BLINE8W and their associated mean reflectance spectra after removal of water pixelsHistogram Equalization - ERDC-TR-05-10053Figure 24. Histogram equalization results between BLINE7E and BLINE8WMosaickingFigure 26. Final mosaics for flightlines 1 through 5 acquired on 30 June 2000Mosaicking-continueFIELD DATA COLLECTION - ERDC-TR-05-10058Figure 27. Location of field plots established during 9 December 2001 CAMIS image acquisitionFigure 28. Location of training sites within western part of northern mosaicFigure 29. Location of training sites adjacent to Shorters Warf RoadFigure 30. ArcView shapefile polygons used to collect training spectra for classification of forest typesIMAGE CLASSIFICATION - ERDC-TR-05-10063NDVI Mask for Poplar Island RestorationFigure 31. NDVI image (left), NDVI histogram (upper right), and primary NVDI masksUnsupervised ClusteringFigure 33. Results of unsupervised classification of each primary segmentIllustration - ERDC-TR-05-10068Minimum Mapping Unit - ERDC-TR-05-10069illustration - ERDC-TR-05-10070Invasive Species Mapping at Lake Okeechobee, Florida - ERDC-TR-05-10071Signature SeparabilityMinimum Mapping Unit - ERDC-TR-05-10073Figure 36. Supervised classification results of CAMIS mosaics after application of the 144 pixel minimum mapping unit filterIKONOS ImageWetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge - ERDC-TR-05-10076Figure 37. Unsupervised classification results of IKONOS image after application of the nine-pixel minimum mapping unit filterSignature Separability Analyses for Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife RefugeFigure 39. Spectral plots of low reflectance signatures used to classify the southern mosaicImage Classification for Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife RefugeMaximum-Likelihood ClassifierMinimum Mapping Unit Filter for Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge-continueACCURACY ASSESSMENTAccuracy Assessment for Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge-continueOUTPUT PRODUCTSFigure 41. Mosaic of Hell Hook Marsh showing significant holidays between flightlinesLand Cover Classes for Poplar Island RestorationLand Cover Classes for Poplar Island Restoration-continueFigure 43. False color composite for Cabin CoveFigure 44. Class map for Cabin Cove after application of minimum mapping unit filterUtility For Arcview Application for Enhanced Levee InspectionsFinal Product for Lake OkeechobeeResults for Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife RefugeFigure 46. Final vegetation class map for southern mosaicFigure 47. Final vegetation class map for northern mosaicCOSTSEnhanced Levee Inspections-continueInvasive Species Mapping at Lake Okeechobee, Florida - ERDC-TR-05-10098Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge - ERDC-TR-05-10099Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge-continue - ERDC-TR-05-10100CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - ERDC-TR-05-10101Invasive Species Mapping at Lake Okeechobee, Florida - ERDC-TR-05-10102Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge - ERDC-TR-05-10103Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge-continue - ERDC-TR-05-10104Report Documentation Page - ERDC-TR-05-10105ERDC-TR-05-1