ERDC TR-05-1
Mixed Hyacinth
Mixed Lettuce
Figure 45. Final three class thematic product depicting the distribution of the in-
vasive species of interest to the District. The background image is the near infrared
channel (band 4) and is included to assist with navigation to areas supporting hya-
cinth and lettuce.
Final Product for Lake Okeechobee
The District's primary objective is to control the distribution of water hya-
cinth and water lettuce throughout the Lake Okeechobee. The IKONOS vegeta-
tion map, with its complete coverage of the western wetlands, may actually de-
pict too much information for the District's needs. Figure 45 shows a three class
vegetation map displayed on top of a single IKONOS spectral band. The near-
infrared band was selected as the grayscale background image. The three vegeta-