ERDC TR-05-1
A multispectral IKONOS satellite image was acquired over a larger area of
western Lake Okeechobee, which included the CAMIS study sites, on 17 July
2002. This commercial satellite, operated by Space Imaging (Thorton, Colorado),
acquires four-band multispectral imagery with 4-m spatial resolution (Fig. 5).
The spectral band widths of the IKONOS imagery are wider as compared to the
CAMIS bands, but are centered in the same regions, thus providing blue, green,
red, and near infrared data. Also, IKONOS imagery is acquired with 11-bit ra-
diometric resolution, as compared to 8-bit radiometric resolution with the
CAMIS data. The commercial satellite data were purchased to compare to the
airborne images. The mid-summer collection date also allowed for a seasonal
comparison of vegetation signatures with the CAMIS winter images.
a. False-color composite.
Figure 5. IKONOS image of western Lake Okeechobee, ac-
quired July 2002.