ERDC TR-05-1
Figure 38. Southern Mosaic--flightlines BLINE7E through BLINE20E. (top)
false-color composite, and (bottom) true-false-color composite.
5.3.2 Signature Separability Analyses for Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over
Blackwater Wildlife Refuge
Before applying the newly created spectral signatures as training data to the
14-band images, the signatures were evaluated for separability. Signature sepa-
rability is a standard tool in commercial image processing software packages. A
variety of algorithms are generally available. ENVI offers two: Jeffries-Matusita
and Transformed Divergence. Both use the n-dimensional mean vectors and co-
variance matrices of the training statistics to measure the magnitude of the differ-
ence, or separability, of the mean vectors. The Transformed Divergence statistics