High Spatial Resolution Digital Imagery
The corrected CAMIS frame shows greatly improved color balance through-
out the entire image (Fig. 9).
The next step was to create image mosaics encompassing each reference
wetland. Commercial image processing software (ENVI) was used to mosaic ad-
jacent digital frames. Figure 10 displays a mosaic of three overlapping images
covering the PIN (Piney Creek) site. Geometric distortions were minimized by
employing a rotation, scale and translation (RST) registration algorithm. In Fig-
ure 10, frame 107 served as the base image. Adding frame 106 to the bottom of
frame 107 created the initial mosaic. Adding frame 108 to the top of the previous
mosaic created the final three-frame composite.
Figure 10. True color, three-frame mosaic of Piney Creek
(PIN) wetland.