ERDC TR-05-1
would have required extensive field data collection at each site. As stated above,
field data were not collected as part of the pilot project. However, based on pre-
vious CAMIS image interpretation over other coastal wetland study sites, the
cover classes likely separated into the following general categories:
Evergreen (maritime) forests.
Tall, dense reeds.
Short, less dense reeds.
Marsh grasses.
Vegetated tidal zones.
Non-vegetated tidal zones.
Permanent water channels of varying depth.
As described above, the assigned class names are related to spectral response
(i.e., cluster spectral signature statistics) of each cluster relative to its statistically
adjacent clusters. This was a subjective process. Therefore, the end user will de-
termine the most accurate recoding of the general land categories into the three
primary land cover types. Figure 43 shows the false color composite of the Cabin
Creek site. Figure 44 shows the Cabin Creek class map, after application of the
nine-pixel MMU threshold. The complete set of composite images and class
maps are available in a companion document*.
M.V. Campbell, R.L. Fischer, and T. Pangburn (2004) Using high spatial resolution
digital imagery. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory, ERDC/CRREL LR-04-25.