ERDC TR-05-1
Detailed Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife
The Corps of Engineers Baltimore District has recently started the Blackwa-
ter Refuge, Dorchester County, Maryland, Section 206 Small Ecosystem Resto-
ration project.
Accurate and detailed land use and land cover base maps are critical to
monitoring and evaluating both the short-term and long-term environmental im-
The objective of this applied research effort is to employ industry standard
techniques to create a detailed vegetation classification of the entire refuge. In-
novative hyperspectral image processing algorithms and techniques may be de-
veloped and implemented, as necessary.
The following will attempt to synthesize the experiences obtained at the four
above study sites to provide general guidance about how to obtain images, post-
process them, collect field data, classify the images, assess their accuracy and
output products, and provide some guidelines as to cost.
about each of the study sites that include more and detailed information.