High Spatial Resolution Digital Imagery
Figure 25. Southern mosaic--flightlines BLINE7E through BLINE20E
(a--true-color composite; b--false-color composite).
The technique was more successful between some pairs of flightlines and
less successful between other pairs. Figure 25 displays the final output mosaic of
flightlines BLINE7E through BLINE20E. Several seams are clearly visible. The
most prominent is the seam between flightline 10E and 11E. Repeated attempts
to improve the significant radiometric distortion between these two flightlines
were equally unsuccessful.
At the onset of this project, it was assumed that this would be the only post-
processing step that would be required to prepare the AISA images for vegetation
classification. However, an array of additional post-processing techniques was
applied to each AISA flightline to try to improve radiometric anomalies and
distortions. The quality of the resulting mosaics, in terms of consistent reflec-
tance values between and among the individual images, remained marginal.