ERDC TR-05-1
Ground-truth data collection, or site characterization information acquired for
each reference wetland in the Poplar Island Restoration Project, was not included
as part of this pilot project to minimize cost. Likewise, the levee assessment pro-
ject's goal was to see if remotely sensed data could take the place of ground in-
Invasive Species Mapping at Lake Okeechobee, Florida
Field data were acquired during acquisition of both the CAMIS missions.
Additional field data were not collected at the time of IKONOS acquisition. Plant
species associations were recorded at point locations throughout the three study
areas. Differentially corrected GPS coordinates were recorded at each sample
plot. Terrestrial photos were also taken to qualitatively document the density and
distribution of the emergent and submerged plant species. During the January
2001 mission, a total of 22 sites were sampled. During the December 2001 mis-
sion, a total of 36 sites were sampled (Fig. 27). Considering the Corps' primary
mission is to manage water hyacinth and water lettuce, areas supporting these
two species were more intensively sampled. None of the January 2001 field data
were applicable to the December 2001 imagery owing to significant changes in
vegetation distributions between the dates.
Wetland Vegetation Mapping Over Blackwater Wildlife Refuge
Four brief field data collections, in support of this image classification effort,
were completed during the Fall of 2001 and Summer of 2002. USFWS staff at
the Refuge provided the 2001 data, while TEC staff collected a small set of addi-
tional field sites in 2002. Plot coordinates, collected using Garmin hand-held
GPS receivers, are in the UTM projection with datum WGS84. These coordinates
were not differentially corrected. Therefore, the average coordinate accuracy is
assumed to be between 5 and 10 m. As shown in Figure 28, sample sites WP001
through WP023 fell within the 30 June mosaic. Sites WP024, WP025, and
WP026, as well as the 7 August 2002 sample sites, were located in the 7 June
mosaic, adjacent to Shorters Warf Road.