REMEDIATING AND MONITORING WHITE PHOSPHORUS CONTAMINATION AT EAGLE RIVER FLATS (OPERABLE UNIT C), FORT RICHARDSON, ALASKAEXECUTIVE SUMMARY - LR-01-410005WATERBIRD UTILIZATION OF EAGLE RIVER FLATS FROM AERIAL SURVEYS: APRIL-OCTOBER, 2000 - LR-01-410006TREATMENT VERIFICATION: MONITORING THE REMEDIATION OF WHITE-PHOSPHORUS-CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS IN TREATED PONDS - LR-01-410007TREATMENT VERIFICATION-continue2000 WEATHER DATA FOR EAGLE RIVER FLATS - LR-01-410009EAGLE RIVER FLATS DATABASE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE MONITORING - LR-01-410010WATERBIRD UTILIZATION OF EAGLE RIVER FLATS FROM AERIAL SURVEYS: APRIL-OCTOBER, 2000 - LR-01-410011Figure II-1-1. Standardized ERF study areas surveyed for waterfowlAbundance and distribution of waterbirds on ERFTable II-1-2. Mean numbers of waterfowl groups in 2000 by seasonTable II-1-3. Percent duck use of major habitat types by season on ERF in 2000Figure II-1-3. Mean densities of swans on ERF study areas in spring and fall 2000Figure II-1-4. Mean densities of geese on ERF study areas in spring, summer, and fall 2000Changes in Fall Pond Use by DucksFigure II-1-6. Mean densities of ducks on ERF study areas in spring, summer, and fall 2000Figure II-1-7. Percent use of ponds by ducks classified to ponds during aerial surveys in fall 2000REFERENCES - LR-01-410021EAGLE RIVER FLATS POND PUMPING REMEDIATION PROJECT: SECOND-YEAR DEPLOYMENT UNDER THE RECORD OF DECISIONTable III-1-1. Pump system locations for 2000 seasonFigure III-1-1. Location of ponds at Eagle River FlatsFigure III-1-2. Rt. Bravo Bridge remote monitoring base stationIMPLEMENTATION - LR-01-410027RETROGRADEPERFORMANCE EVALUATION - LR-01-410029Figure III-1-4. Pond 146 off Canoe PointFigure III-1-5. Seasonal pond depth data for all treated pondsEQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTSTHE 2001 SEASON AND BEYONDTable III-1-7: Predicted non-flooding periods using tide gatesA P P E N D I X III-1-A: LOAD CHARTS FOR 2000 HELICOPTER OPERATIONSTable III-1-A1. Personnel deployment during major lift operationsTable III-1-A2. 2000 Load chart for heavy equipment deployment (actual loads)Table III-1-A3. 2000 load chart for heavy equipment retrograde (actual loads)Table III-1-A4. 2000 load chart for discharge line deployment (actual loads).APPENDIX III-1-B: RECOMMENDATIONS AND STATUS OF DEVELOPMENT WORK AND EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS FOR EAGLE RIVER FLATS REMEDIATION PROJECTTREATMENT VERIFICATION: MONITORING THE REMEDIATION OF WHITE-PHOSPHORUS-CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS IN TREATED PONDS - LR-01-410041Figure III-2-1. Map of Eagle River FLats showing areas and pond identification numbersFigure III-2-3. Aerial photograph (Aeromap 8 September 2000) of the east side of ERF showing datalogger and sampling locationsFigure III-2-4. Approximate locations of grid composite samples collected from Pond 146Pond 730 (Area C/D) and Pond 75 (Coastal East)Discrete Surface and Subsurface SamplingTable III-2-1. Samples collected in or near Pond 285Figure III-2-7. White phosphorus concentrations found in the DWRC Pen #5Table III-2-2. White phosphorus concentrations (g/g) found on a 1.82-m square grid in 1996, 1998 ,1999, and 2000 in DWRC Pen 5Sublimation/Oxidation Conditions - LR-01-410050Figure III-2-8. Datalogger station photographed near peak drying conditions in June 2000RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - LR-01-410052Figure III-2-9. Output from moisture sensors during the summer of 2000Table III-2-5. Loss of white phosphorus from particles planted in the top 5 cm of drained pondsTable III-2-7. White phosphorus concentrations found at Miller's HoleFigure III-2-11. Advancing Break Truck gullyFigure III-2-12. Flood events recorded on the north side of the Bread Truck PondCONCLUSIONS - LR-01-410058REFERENCES-continue - LR-01-410059Appendix Table III-2-A1. 2000 Composite SamplesAppendix Table III-2-A1. Continued - LR-01-410061Appendix Table III-2-A1. Continued - LR-01-410062Appendix Table III-2-A1. Continued - LR-01-410063Appendix Table III-2-A1. Continued - LR-01-410064Appendix Table III-2-A1. Continued - LR-01-410065Appendix Table III-2-A1. Continued - LR-01-410066COMPOSITE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS FOR WHITE PHOSPHORUS IN UNTREATED PONDSNorthern AFigure III-3-2. Oblique view of region from which Composites A-1 to A-19 were collected in May and August 2000Figure III-3-4. Aerial oblique view of Area C/D north of Pond 40 from which grid composite samples were collected in 2000RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - LR-01-410071Figure III-3-7. Oblique view of marsh in Area CCONCLUSIONS - LR-01-4100732000 WEATHER DATA FOR EAGLE RIVER FLATS - LR-01-410075METEOROLOGICAL STATIONTable III-4-1. Summary of meteorological station instruments and the parameters measuredFigure III-4-2. Maximum, minimum, and average air temperatures for the Eagle River Flats meteorological station from 12 May to 15 August 2000REFERENCES - LR-01-410079Figure III-4-5. Evaporation pan data showing the evaporation pan water level data and the net cumulative evaporation for the seasonTable III-4-3. Daily climatic data for Eagle River Flats meteorological station during May-August 2000Table III-4-3. ContinuedEAGLE RIVER FLATS WIRELESS REMOTE IMAGING SYSTEMPROPOSED SOLUTION FOR THE 2000 FIELD SEASONFigure III-5-2. Axis 200+ cameraFigure III-5-4. Base station equipmentSYSTEM PERFORMANCEIMAGING SYSTEM SUCCESS RATECONCLUSION-continue - LR-01-410089EAGLE RIVER FLATS DATABASE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE MONITORING - LR-01-410091Gully erosionFigure IV-1-2. Monitored erosion of the Bread Truck drainage ditch from 1996 to 2000LR-01-41