Figure II-1-3. Mean densities of swans on ERF study areas in spring and fall 2000.
Numbers in parentheses are the percent of total swans observed in each area. The area
(ha) of permanent and intermittent ponds in each area was used to calculate densities.
the most common species. Of the four major
In spring the number of ducks peaked on
habitat types used to classify duck locations,
15 May (Table II-1-1, Fig. II-1-5). Ducks spent
ponds were the most important (Table II-1-
little time on ERF during April or May. Ducks
3). Numbers of all species of ducks combined
utilized Areas A and Coastal West most in
are presented for 19912000 in Figure II-1-5.
spring, but the highest density was recorded
It is clear that in 2000, ERF supported fewer
in Area C/D (Fig. II-1-6).
ducks than in previous years.
The mean number of ducks per survey dur-