Wild Total Station. Surveying methods were
tions from 1991 to 1994. Only two positive
similar to those described in past years. For
sediment samples were found (Samples #322
Area A we used a benchmark established in
and 323) (Racine et al. 1993). These samples
1998 near Pond 258. Area C locations were
were collected in May 1991 at points 25 and
obtained from a benchmark on Clunie Pad.
50 m southwest of the observation tower;
Area C/D locations were obtained from a
however, subsequent samples in August 1992,
benchmark established this year near Pond
when cores to 30-cm depth were taken, were
In 1999, nine of the 24 telemetry bird mor-
talities attributed to white phosphorus poi-
Northern A
We collected 20 grid composites from
soning were in Area A. However, white phos-
ponds northwest of the pumped Ponds 256
phorus was found in only one of these ducks,
and 258 (Fig. III-3-1 and III-3-2). Ten samples
and the "last alive" signal from this bird was
were from Pond 246, and the remainder were
from Area C. Despite the uncertainties asso-
from small ponds near Pond 246. Approxi-
ciated with the remaining mortalities, we felt
mately 20 discrete samples were collected
that it was important to continue sampling in
from this region of Area A during investiga-
Area A. We wanted to determine if there were
Pond 226
Po nd 228
Pond 246
Pond 256
Pond 258
Figure III-3-1. Aerial photo (Aeromap 18 August 1998) with locations of 2000 grid com-
posites (yellow) and 19981999 grid composites (green). Red stars indicate locations where
white phosphorus was detected.