Area D
Knik Arm
Pond 75
Pond 730
Eagle River
Pond 109 (BT)
Pond 155
Pond 183
Pond 146
Area C
Area A
Pond 256
Rt. Bravo
Pond 258
Pond 290
Pond 285
Otter Creek
Area B
1000 m
Figure III-1-1. Location of ponds at Eagle River Flats.
in Pond 258 to speed drainage of that large
installed. Data transmission over the Auto-
ponded area. Finally, a ditch was blasted
von telephone lines from the bridge began
around Clunie point and into the marsh in
on 11 May for the web camera, 15 May
Area C to increase drainage in those areas. All
for the met station, and 20 May for the pond
this work was conducted in one afternoon.
data acquisition sites. All data were transmit-
Further work on reinforcing and extend-
ted via these lines to a server at CRREL-
ing the tide gates in B-Gully (Area C), North-
Hanover. The data were then displayed on the
ern C, and Area A was carried out. Although
ERF web site or stored on server files. Sec-
there wasn't much of a chance of preventing
tions III-4 and III-5 contain more information
any of the flooding tides this season, we
on these systems.
hoped to squeeze an extra day or two in be-
Operation and maintenance of the pump
tween flooding tides. As events played out,
systems was turned over to Weldin on 15 May.
we were able to prevent flooding in both ar-
On 15 and 18 May the systems were refueled
eas during the crucial June high-tide cycle. As
so that there was a complement of full tanks
a result, we had a successful remediation sea-
at all systems to start out the season. At this
time the pump controls were rewired to pre-
During the first weeks of May, the meteo-
vent the systems from malfunctioning when
rological station near the EOD Pad, the web
the low-water float switch becomes lodged in
cameras for Ponds 183 and 258, and the
the down position or the high-water switch
new base stations located on an abutment of
gets stuck in the up position. All units were
the Route Bravo Bridge (Fig. III-1-2) were
rewired, tested, and fully operational by 17 May.