for Eagle River Flats for May through August.
The monthly average temperatures for Eagle
the first half of August was greater for Eagle
River Flats and the National Weather Service
River Flats than Anchorage NWS, reflecting
(NWS) station at Anchorage are presented
both the more widespread synoptic storm sys-
along with the normal monthly temperatures
tems common later in the summer and the
for Anchorage. The NWS Anchorage data are
closer location of Eagle River Flats to the
presented along with the Eagle River Flats
data because we do not have a long-term av-
May and June are normally the driest
erage for the Eagle River Flats site. Addition-
months of the core drying season needed for
ally the monthly total rainfall for Eagle River
treating contaminated pond bottom sedi-
Flats and Anchorage is shown along with the
ments. This year the timing of the last spring
normal monthly rainfall for Anchorage. The
flooding tide in early May allowed us to de-
summer of 2000 had normal to slightly above-
ploy equipment and pump the ponds out so
normal temperatures for May and June. Tem-
that we could take advantage of the warmer
peratures were below normal for August and
temperatures of late May to start the drying
September. Precipitation was above normal
process. June and early July provided nearly
for every month except August for the An-
ideal drying conditions except for an occa-
sional rainstorm.
Flats was less than for Anchorage for May and
Figure III-4-2 is a plot of the maximum,
June, reflecting the localized nature of con-
minimum, and average air temperatures for
vection rainfall events normally occurring
the summer. There were thirty-eight days
Max, Min, & Average Air Temperature
Eagle River Flats Met Station 2000
Figure III-4-2. Maximum, minimum, and average air tempera-
tures for the Eagle River Flats meteorological station from 12 May
to 15 August 2000. Thirty-eight days had maximum temperatures
of 20C or more.