Pond 256 Datalogger
Pond 258 Datalogger
Figure III-2-5. Aerial photograph (Aeromap 8 September 2000) of the west side of
ERF showing datalogger locations.
ites were positive (0.0004 and 0.0034 g/g).
carcasses that have been found in this pond
(70 carcasses in August 1992). Only four sedi-
The samples were widely spaced, and adja-
ment samples were positive; the highest con-
cent samples were negative, indicating that
centration found was 0.04 g/g. Several posi-
this pond had some white phosphorus con-
tive samples were collected in the marsh just
tamination but that its distribution was very
north of Pond 258, but again concentrations
sporadic. No samples were collected in 2000,
but sublimation/oxidation conditions were
than in Area C, the BT Pond, and Racine Is-
monitored using dataloggers and planted
In 1998 and 1999 we collected 46 grid com-
Pond 730 (Area C/D) and Pond 75 (Coastal East)
posite samples and 14 composite samples
along lines with a subsample collected every
Pond 730 in Area C/D (Fig. III-2-1, III-2-3)
2 m. Of these, one grid composite sample was
was treated by pumping again this year be-
positive (0.0013 g/g) and two line compos-
cause of the mortality of radio-collared ducks