the RF115's EIA-232 port was inadvertently
stop transmitting images. In addition to the
set wrong at CRREL. This was determined by
solar panel issue at Pond 183, it is believed
communicating via a computer terminal emu-
that the quality of the phone line connection
lator with the phone modem and RF115 from
was also responsible for the overall image re-
CRREL. CRREL personnel located at the
trieval success rates.
Bravo Bridge site assisted with troubleshoot-
ing the phone modem by substituting loop-
back terminators on the serial interface and
cabling that connects the US Robotics modem
to the RF115. Characters were transmitted
Three areas of improvements have been
from CRREL and returned from the Bravo
identified: image quality, power management,
Bridge site with the use of the loop-back ter-
and solar panel alignment. During the course
minators. Once the characters failed to return,
of the day, different light levels present at each
the problem area was identified and corrected.
RSE location resulted in different levels of
The fourth and final issue that caused prob-
image quality. To overcome this, it was de-
lems was a misaligned solar panel at Pond
cided to install a polarizing filter on the cam-
183. That became apparent in the final two
eras at each RSE location.
weeks of the field season as the image retrieval
Power management also needed to be ad-
success rate from Pond 183 declined. The loss
dressed. During the 2000 field season the RIS
equipment was powered 24 hours a day. This
tion of the sun late in the season and the
results in a very large power budget. To re-
decrease in effective radiance to the fixed so-
duce the power used, a small microcontroller
lar panel on the tower. No corrective measures
will be installed at each RSE location to turn
were taken because of the lateness in the
the RSE on at the required times for image
retrieval. At the conclusion of the image re-
trieval process, the microcontroller will turn
off the power. This will dramatically lower the
power budget of the RIS.
The last issue is the alignment of the solar
Discounting the 36 days that the RIS was
panels. During the 2000 field season the solar
down due to telephone modem failures and
panels were fixed to the sides of the wooden
an incorrect baud rate setting, the system
towers at the ERF pond sites. If the towers
overall performed well. Table III-5-1 shows
were positioned with one side facing south,
the image retrieval success rate of the RIS with
then the solar panel alignment was correct.
respect to image requests. A 100% image re-
The alignment of the tower and solar panel at
trieval success rate was anticipated, but the
pond 183 was wrong. To improve the panel
success rate was actually lower. Pond 183 re-
alignment, galvanized poles will be installed
ported a lower image success rate than Pond
on each tower located at the ERF pond sites.
258 because of the misaligned solar panel. The
This will allow the proper use of the solar
inability of the solar panel to charge the bat-
panel mounts and orientation of the panels
teries located at Pond 183 caused the RSE to
to the south.
Table III-5-1. Retrieval success rate.
At the conclusion of the 2000 field season,
Success Rate
it was apparent that the redesign of the re-
mote imaging system was a success. The im-
Pond 183
ages that were retrieved and posted to the ERF
Pond 258
Web site proved to be an invaluable source of