Figure IV-1-1. Example of a screen from the USARAK GIS database for contaminants showing all point
and composite sediment samples analyzed for white phosphorus. The database permits the user to locate
and obtain all of the point or composite samples collected and analyzed for any pond. Here the composite
samples collected in pond 730 are listed. It is necessary to scroll down to see all of the samples and the
data is to identify ponds or areas where the
additional erosion of the ditch draining the
dead birds might have ingested white phos-
Bread Truck Pond (Fig. IV-1-2)
phorus. We compared home ranges of ducks
that died with home ranges of ducks that sur-
Remediated or treated ponds
vived using animal movement software ex-
The database also tracks contaminated
tensions for ArcView GIS available on the
ponds that have been treated for white phos-
Internet at http://www.absc.usgs.gov/glba/
treated ponds include the methods and dates
when treatments were applied. The changes
in white phosphorus concentrations in these
Gully erosion
During 2000 we produced maps to show
ponds can also be tracked using the database.