Ice Jam Flooding and MitigationHISTORICAL DATAIce recordsHydrological dataFigure 2. AFDD at the National Weather Service Station at North Platte, Nebraska, during water year 1960Summary of historical data collectedSite 1. Loup River from Genoa to Columbus-continueFigure 4. Loup River flows and daily air temperatures, 15 November through 9 December 1993Table 5. Maximum annual gage heights associated with ice at the USGS gage on the Loup River at ColumbusFigure 5. Identified recurring ice jam sites on the Platte River between North Bend and AshlandTable 6. Summary of ice events at North Bend with a stage greater than the flood stage of 8 ft.Site 3. Platte River: Big Island at FremontSite 4. Platte River: West Channel at LesharaSite 6. Platte River: Highway 92 bridgeTable 9. Summary of ice-related flood events at the confluence of the Platte and Elkhorn Rivers near AshlandANALYSIS OF DATA - SR96_010023Table 11. Ice events with normalized stage greater than 1.0Figure 8. Statistics for the ice events shown in Figure 7Figure 9. Relationships among normalized stage, maximum discharge and maximum AFDD for January through MarchHydraulic analysisLoup River near ColumbusTable 12. Discharges used in HEC-2 model of lower Platte RiverPREDICTIVE MODEL FOR ICE JAM OCCURRENCELower Platte River predictive modelTable 13. Known ice events during the period 1950 through 1990Figure 12. Relationship between the observed and predicted values of normalized stage at North BendTable 14. Results of applying AFDD and discharge criteria to historic data at North BendFigure 14. Minimum discharge required for ice jam vs. Julian DayFigure 15. AFDD at Columbus vs. date for winter 1993-94DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM DESIGNFreeze-up conditionsFigure 17. Nebraska ice report data collection formFigure 17. ContinuedJam formation and evolutionDATABASE STRUCTUREFigure 20. Schematic of on-line data retrieval at branch siteICE JAM MITIGATION MEASURES - SR96_010044Permanent measuresAdvance measuresEmergency measures - SR96_010047Specific mitigation options within the study areaIce dusting as a mitigation alternativeTable 18. Constituents of 1979 dusting materialTable 19. Example dusting plan for the lower Platte River based on the 1982 planSummary of 1994 ice dustingTable 20. Spreadsheet for use in planning dusting operationsMissouri River, 1946Platte River near Ashland, 911 February 1966Suggested steps to take for blasting operationsFigure 23. Minimum charge placed below ice surface required to break iceExample 1Table 21. Sample calculations for blasting costsCONCLUSIONS - SR96_010060LITERATURE CITED - SR96_010061LITERATURE CITED-continue - SR96_010062APPENDIX A: MODEL RESULTS FOR THE LOUP RIVER NEAR COLUMBUSFigure A2. Ice-flow water profilesAPPENDIX B. MODEL RESULTS FOR THE PLATTE RIVER ALONG SARPY COUNTY, NEBRASKAFigure B2. Open-water flow profiles for the western sectionFigure B4. Solid-ice-cover flow profiles for the western sectionFigure B6. Freeze-up flow profiles for the western sectionFigure B8. One-percent-duration flow profiles for open water, ice cover, freeze-up and breakup for the western sectionAPPENDIX C: NEBRASKA DISASTER AND CIVIL DEFENSE ACTCross Reference - SR96_010071Terms, definedDisaster and Civil Defense Agency; Governor; controlCivil Defense Agency; Adjutant General; act; administerCivil Defense Agency; Adjutant General; act; administer.-continueGovernor's Emergency Fund; established; useDisaster prevention, procedureCross Reference - SR96_010078Civil Defense Agency; political subdivisions; suspension; Governor; directorInterjurisdictional arrangement; Governor; findingsCivil defense; local organization; mutual aid arrangements; interjurisdictional agreementCivil defense; emergency; political subdivision; emergency expenditures; election; whenCivil Defense; mobile support units; personnel; powers; duties; rights; immunities; compensationInterstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact; enter intoCivil Defense; supplies; services; channeled through Governor; funds deposited in Military Department Cash FundCivil defense; personnel; oath; affirmationDisaster emergency; proclaimed by Governor; powersMajor disaster; powers of Governor; apply for federal community disaster loansAPPENDIX D: LEGAL OPINION ON NEBRASKA LAW CONCERNING THE REMOVAL OF ICE JAMSActions Taken Other Than in Accordance with the Disaster ActReport Documentation Page - SR96_010091Abstract-continue - SR96_010092SR96_01