81-829.61. Disaster response; civil defense; organizations; political activities prohib-
ited. No organization for disaster response and civil defense established under the au-
thority of sections 81-829.36 to 81-829.68 shall participate in any form of political activity,
nor shall it be employed directly or indirectly for political purposes.
Source: Laws 1951, c. 315, sec. 12, p. 1082; R.R.S.1943, sec. 81-829.27; Laws 1973, LB
494, sec. 26.
81-829.62. Disaster response; civil defense; personnel; advocation of subversive ac-
tivities against government; employment prohibited; oath. No person shall be em-
ployed or associated in any capacity in any disaster response and civil defense organiza-
tion established under the provisions of section 81-829.36 to 81-829.68 who advocates or
has advocated a change by force or violence in the constitutional form of the government
of the United States or in this state or the overthrow of any government in the United
States by force or violence, or who has been convicted of or is under indictment or
information charging any subversive act against the United States. Each person who is
appointed to serve in an organization for disaster response and civil defense, shall before
entering upon his duties, take an oath, in writing, before a person authorized to adminis-
ter oaths in this state; Provided, that the Adjutant General and any subordinate civil
defense officer within this state, designated by the Adjutant General in writing, shall be
qualified to administer any such oath within this state under such regulations as the
Adjutant General shall prescribe. The oath shall be substantially as follows:
I ......................................., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend
the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of
evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to
enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any
political party or organization that advocates the overgrow of the government of the
United States or of this state by (name of civil defense organization), I will not advocate
nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow
of the government of the United States or of this state by force or violence. So help me God.
Source: Laws 1951, c. 315, sec. 13, p. 1082; Laws 1953, c. 336, sec. 4, p. 1108; R.R.S.
1943, sec. 81.829.28; Laws 1973, LB 494, sec. 27.
81-829.63. Civil defense; personnel; oath; affirmation. Whenever an oath is required
by section 81-829.62, the affirmation of a person conscientiously scrupulous of taking an
oath shall have the same effect.
Source: Laws 1951, c. 315, sec. 14, p. 1083; R.R.S.1943, sec. 81-829.29; Laws 1973, LB
494, sec. 28.
81-829.64. Disaster response and civil defense; organizations; enforce laws, orders,
rules, and regulations. It shall be the duty of every organization for disaster response and
civil defense established pursuant to the provisions of sections 81-829.36 to 81-829.68 and
of the officers thereof to execute and enforce such orders, rules, and regulations as may be
made by the Governor under authority of sections 81-829.36 to 81-829.68. Each such
organization shall have available for inspection at its office all orders, rules, and regulations
made by the Governor, or under his authority.
Source: Laws 1951, c. 315, sec. 15, p. 1083; R.R.S.1943, sec. 81-829.30; Laws 1973, LB
494, sec. 29.
81-829.65. Disaster or civil defense; fire departments; moving of equipment outside
of political subdivisions; insurance. The governing body of
each political subdivision of
this state shall take the necessary action to permit the movement of its emergency equip-
ment and personnel, or such equipment and personnel as defined in the state, local, or