Moisture in the Roofs of Cold Storage BuildingsFigure 2. Plan view of the seven roofs examined in Dallas, TexasFigure 4. Ballast scour in the northeast corner of roof D1Figure 6. Failed patch along the north edge of roof D1 looking NWTable 1. Core sample findings for roof D1Table 2. Roof cut A, test resultsFigure 10. Photograph and thermogram from within the D1 freezerROOF D2Figure 12. Photograph and thermogram of the southeast corner of roof D2, looking SEFigure 13. Photograph and thermogram taken near the area shown in Figure 12, looking southROOF D3Figure 14. Photograph and thermogram of the east end of the expansion joint at the southeast corner of roof D2Figure 15. Roof D3, looking south from the expansion joint that separates it from roof D2Table 5. Core sample findings for roof D3ROOF D4Figure 18. Raised edge of roof D5 showing wrinkled HypalonFigure 19. Bare area on roof D5, looking southwestTable 8. Core sample findings for roof D5ROOF D6Table 10. Core sample findings for roof D6Table 12. Core sample findings for roof D7ROOF A1Table 14. Core sample findings for roof A1Table 15. Roof cut G, test resultsFigure 28. Photograph and thermogram of the expansion joint that separates roofs A2 and A3Figure 29. Photograph and thermogram of disturbed ballast on roof A2, looking northTable 16. Core sample findings for roof A2Figure 31. Photograph and thermogram of a strong thermal anomaly on roof A2, looking southFigure 32. Photograph and thermogram of another strong thermal anomaly on roof A2, looking northFigure 33. Ballast contained a lot of fine soil where core 19 was takenROOF A3Figure 36. Photograph and thermogram of bare membrane and ponded water along the west side of roof A3Figure 37. Photograph and thermogram of an area of wet insulation that extends out beyond a patched bare areaTable 18. Core sample findings for roof A3FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONSLITERATURE CITED - SR98_130043Report Documentation Page - SR98_130044SR98_13