Figure 37. Photograph and thermogram of an area of wet insulation
that extends out beyond a patched bare area on the north side of the
east penthouse on roof A3, looking a little south of west. Core 15 was
taken at the "15."
bottom of the roof at core 15. Perhaps the patch
of perlite that rested on the steel deck was quite wet
shown in Figure 37 eliminated the flaw that al-
and the deck was covered with rust as shown in
Figure 38. It is not possible to say with assurance
lowed water to enter the roof in that area.
All other thermal anomalies noticed on this roof
that the entire steel deck is rusted badly but that
possibility exists. Because of the amount of rusting
were the result of bare membrane or piles of gravel.
However, core 14 and cut I were taken in an area
at this location, additional cuts should be made to
that thermally represented the rest of the roof. While
determine the extent of this problem. It may be nec-
essary to replace all or portions of this roof deck.
most of the insulation there was dry, the lower layer