Figure 22. Hole where core 5 was taken and where cut E is being taken on roof D6.
This roof consists of a ballasted EPDM mem-
brane, wood fiber insulation (0.5 in. [1.3 cm]), an
old mineral-surfaced bituminous built-up mem-
brane, perlite insulation (1 in.), expanded polysty-
rene insulation (10 in. [25.4 cm]), and a concrete
The temperature of the freezer below this roof
was 0F.
No signs of entrapped moisture were detected
during the infrared surveys of this roof. During
the visual inspection, no membrane or flashing
defects were noticed. Core 5 and cut E were taken
where shown in Figure 2. Figure 22 shows cut E
being taken where core 5 had been taken. Figure
23 shows the wall of the cut E hole. Table 10 pre-
sents findings for core 5 and Table 11 presents find-
ings for cut E. All three types of insulation at this
location were dry.
This roof is in excellent condition.
This roof consists of a ballasted EPDM mem-
brane, expanded polystyrene insulation (12 in.
[30.5 cm]), perlite insulation (1 in.), and a steel
deck. The temperature of the freezer below this
Figure 23. Cut E on roof D6 showing layers of wood
roof was 18F (28C).
fiber, perlite, and expanded polystyrene insulation.