Figure 12. Photograph and thermogram of the southeast corner of roof D2, looking SE. The
bright area on the thermogram defines where wet EPS insulation exists below the EPDM mem-
the right edge of Figure 12. Table 3 presents all
square) semibright area about 8 ft (2.4 m) in from
core sample findings for this roof and Table 4 pre-
the northwest corner of this roof. It was marked
sents findings for cut B. Cut B and core 3 were
with spray paint. No obvious flaw was present
taken at about the same place but far enough apart
there. Since that area was not very bright, we ex-
to experience significant differences in moisture.
pect that the EPS insulation is dry but some fro-
The EPS insulation above the old membrane was
zen fibrous glass insulation is present below the
wet at three of the four places sampled. Solar en-
old bituminous membrane.
ergy stored in the wet EPS caused this surface to
The upper couple of inches of fibrous glass in-
be warmer there when we surveyed it. The new
sulation were dry over the entire roof but, in 2 of
EPDM membrane probably is (or was) flawed
the 4 places sampled; the lower 2 to 5 in. (5 to 13
here. No obvious flaws (or patches) were detected
cm) of that insulation was full of ice. At cores 3
but some must be present. The ballast would have
and 6, where both the EPS and a portion of the
to be moved aside in this area to find them. If flaws
fibrous glass were wet, the roof had lost about half
are not found and eliminated, the amount of wet
of its insulating ability. All these problems are
within a 40- 40-ft (12.2- 12.2-m) area at the south-
EPS insulation in this roof can be expected to in-
crease. We also detected a small (2-ft [0.6-m]
east corner of this roof. Currently, as evidenced