Figure 36. Photograph and thermogram of bare membrane and
ponded water along the west side of roof A3, looking SW.
ever, a medium bright area extends out beyond
thermal image is bright due to extra solar energy
the bare area in the thermogram. This area was
absorbed by the exposed black EPDM. Wet insu-
outlined in spray paint as shown in the photo-
lation may exist in this area.
graph. Core 15 was taken in the bright area where
Figure 37 presents a photograph and thermo-
gram of a thermal anomaly present along the north
"15" has been marked on the photograph.
side of the east penthouse, with the west pent-
Table 18 presents findings from the two cores
house visible in the background. The brightest
taken on this roof, and Table 19 presents findings
portion of the thermogram is the patched bare area
from cut I that was taken adjacent to core 14. Their
visible in the photograph. Extra solar energy ab-
locations are shown in Figure 3.
sorption, in part, explains that brightness. How-
Wet insulation was present from the top to the