ILLUSTRATIONS - TR00-110006INTRODUCTION - TR00-110007Figure 2. Mass limited, thermally limited, and maximum ice accretion zones observed on a fishing trawler in the Bering Sea, March 1990.Research cruiseFigure 5. USCGC Midgett.PURPOSE OF RESEARCHFigure 7. Air temperature and sampling times during February and March 1990 ice-accretion events in the Bering Sea.Figure 8. Schematic of ice sample locations on the USCGC Midgett.Hydrometeorological observations - TR00-110014Hydrometeorological observations - TR00-110015Hydrometeorological observations - TR00-110016Table 2. Ice sample properties.SalinityCrystal size measurementsInclusion size measurementsCrystal orientation observationsFigure 12. Sample F4, taken from the forward bulkhead on the main deck (scales in millimeters).Figure 13. Sample F5, taken about 1.5 m above the deck surface on the face of the forward bulkhead (scales in millimeters).Figure 14. Sample F7, taken from the forward face of the 5-in. gun mount (scales in millimeters).Figure 15. Sample F8, taken 0.9 m above the deck (0.2 m below sample F7) on the forward face of the 5-in. gun mount under the barrel (scales in millimeters). Layering is very strongly developed in this sample. Horizontal surfaces - TR00-110026Figure 17. Sample F1, taken from the main deck during the February icing event (scales in millimeters). Note layering in thick sections. Dark circular inclusions in thin sections are air bubbles.March icing eventFigure 19. Sample F6, taken from the ice accretion panel on the main deck hatch (scales in millimeters). Dark circles in thin sections are air bubbles.Figure 21. Sample M5, a vertical sample taken from the front of the 5-in. gun housingFigure 22. Sample M6, removed from the port face of the 5-in. gun mount (scale in millimeters)Horizontal surfaces - TR00-110032Horizontal surfaces - continuedFigure 26. Sample M8, taken from the deck, 23 m to the port of the 5-in. gun base (scales in millimeters)Figure 27. Sample M13, taken from the deck in warm weather, near 3C (scales in millimeters)CONCLUSIONS - TR00-110036Figure 28. Vertical section of icicle, sample M11, photographed between crossed polarizersFigure 29. Sample M11, taken from an icicle removed from the left end of the upper lifeline shown in Figure 29a (scales in millimeters).Figure 30. Sample M12, taken from icicles hanging from the port side base of the 5-in. gun housing (scales in millimeters).LITERATURE CITED - TR00-110040LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR00-110041REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - TR00-110042TR00-11