7. Air temperature and sampling times during February and March 1990
ice-accretion events in the Bering Sea ............................................................... 6
8. Schematic of ice sample locations on the USCGC Midgett .............................. 7
9. Ice samples in freezer bag, and thermistor for measurement of in-situ ice
temperature ........................................................................................................... 8
10. Thin sections of ice sampled during the March icing event from a bulkhead
and an icicle, illustrating grains encircled by large channelized networks
filled with brine .................................................................................................. 13
11. Sample F3, taken from the face of the forward bulkhead and about 0.5 m
above the deck surface ........................................................................................ 15
12. Sample F4, taken from the forward bulkhead on the main deck ........................ 16
13. Sample F5, taken about 1.5 m above the deck surface on the face of the
forward bulkhead ................................................................................................ 17
14. Sample F7, taken from the forward face of the 5-in. gun mount ....................... 18
15. Sample F8, taken 0.9 m above the deck on the forward face of the 5-in. gun
mount under the barrel ........................................................................................ 19
16. Sample F9, taken from the DTMB ice panel on the starboard forward
bulkhead ............................................................................................................. 20
17. Sample F1, taken from the main deck during the February icing event ............. 21
18. Sample F2, taken from the deck, 25 cm forward of the bulkhead ...................... 22
19. Sample F6, taken from the ice accretion panel on the main deck hatch ............ 23
20. Sample M3, taken from beneath the barrel of the 5-in. gun ............................... 24
21. Sample M5, a vertical sample taken from the front of the 5-in. gun
housing ............................................................................................................... 24
22. Sample M6, removed from the port face of the 5-in. gun mount ....................... 25
23. Sample M9, taken from the port bulkhead of the 5-in. gun housing,
1.8 m above the deck surface ............................................................................. 26
24. Sample M10, taken from the port bulkhead of the 5-in. gun housing,
approximately 1 m above the deck ..................................................................... 27
25. Sample M14, taken about 1.5 m above the deck surface from the front
face of the 5-in. gun housing .............................................................................. 28
26. Sample M8, taken from the deck, 23 m to the port of the 5-in. gun base ........ 28
27. Sample M13, taken from the deck in warm weather, near 3C ........................ 29
28. Vertical section of icicle, sample M11, photographed between crossed
polarizers ............................................................................................................ 31
29. Sample M11, taken from an icicle removed from the left end of the
upper lifeline shown in Figure 29a ..................................................................... 32
30. Sample M12, taken from icicles hanging from the port side base of the
5-in. gun housing ................................................................................................ 33
1. Hydrometeorological observations ......................................................................... 9
2. Ice sample properties ............................................................................................ 11
3. Crystal and bubble size measurements ................................................................. 14
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