Comparison Criteria for Environmental Chemical Analyses of Split Samples Sent to Different LaboratoriesDATA COMPARISON METHODOLOGYFigure 2. Lognormal probability plots for soil and for groundwater QC/QA concentration ratiosFigure 2. Continued - SR96_090010Figure 2. Continued - SR96_090011RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - SR96_090012Metals in soils-continueVOCs in soilsFigure 4. Frequency histogram for soil VOC QC/QA concentration ratiosFigure 6. Lognormal probability plots for QC/QA concentration ratios for soil VOCsFigure 6. Continued - SR96_090017TPH in soils - SR96_090018Figure 10. Frequency histogram for soil TPH QC1/QC2 concentration ratios from NPDFigure 12. Correlation of soil TPH concentration ratios for CAS, Inc./NET Pacific, Inc.Explosives in soilsFigure 14. Lognormal probability plot for QC/QA concentration ratios of explosives in soils with ratios between 0.25-4.00VOCs in groundwaterCONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - SR96_090024TPH in soils - SR96_090025SUMMARY - SR96_090026LITERATURE CITED-continue - SR96_090027APPENDIX A: DATA AND SAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR CHROMIUMTable A1. Cr concentrations, ratios, and logarithmsTable A1. Continued - SR96_090030SAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR Cr DATASAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR Cr DATA-continueAPPENDIX B: DATA FOR METALS, VOCS, TPH, AND EXPLOSIVESTable B3. Summary of reporting limits for Ag, Cd, Hg, and SeTable B4. Characteristics of QC/QA ratios for archived VOC results for soilsTable B7. Summary of QC/QA concentration ratios for nine VOCs in groundwaterReport Documentation Page - SR96_090037SR96_09