ILLUSTRATIONS - TR00-50006INTRODUCTION - TR00-50007Figure 1. Location of the 40-acre site at Jefferson Proving Ground.DIELECTRIC THEORYField profilingRESULTS AND DISCUSSION - TR00-50011Figure 3. Distributions at the 40-acre site with radar profile transects superimposed.Figure 4. 300- (left) and 600- (right) MHz diffraction profiles and waveform responses to a metal disk buried 58 cm deepFigure 5 (cont'd). Soil moisture pro- files at five locationsFigure 5 (cont'd). Soil moisture pro- files at five locations Figure 6. Sample segment of a 300-MHz profile (top) and the result of applying a background removal filter (bottom)Figure 6. Sample segment of a 300-MHz profile (top) and the result of applying a background removal filter (bottom) - continued - TR00-50017Figure 6. Sample segment of a 300-MHz profile (top) and the result of applying a background removal filter (bottom) - continued - TR00-50018Figure 8. Likely interpretations for two of the responses in Figure 7.Figure 9. Selected target responses within segments extracted from the 600-MHz profiles, and sample traces containing wavelets. The penetration of this frequency is about 1 m.Figure 10. Distribution of ε′ at both 300 (black) and 600 MHz (grey).Figure 11. Dielectric permittivity curves and attenuation rates for the average ε′, range of σ, and probable values of frel and εoo at JPGFigure 12. Model 400-MHz wavelets before and after round-trip propagation within 1 m of ground characterized by the soil parameters measuredFigure 12. Model 400-MHz wavelets before and after round-trip propagation within 1 m of ground characterized by the soil parameters measured - continued - TR00-50024Figure 12. Model 400-MHz wavelets before and after round-trip propagation within 1 m of ground characterized by the soil parameters measured - continued - TR00-50025Figure 12 (cont'd). Model 400-MHz wavelets before and after round-trip propagation within 1 m of ground characterized by the soil parameters measured.Figure 13. Radiation beamwidths for a model of our antennas and the average ε′ = 10.4 found at JPGINCIDENT FIELD AND POLARIZATION PARAMETERSFigure 14. Basic setup, with target below ground surface, in its reference oriFigure 15. Normalized scattered electric field above a projectile surrounded by soil and oriented in the Y direction, as a function of frequencyFigure 16. Normalized scattered E field above target for various projectile inclinations and rotations θd, θx.Figure 18. Backscattered Ez field magnitudes along transect, at various frequencies, when the projectile is inclined at 45 with nose up (θd = 225, θx = 0), and the antenna is rotated θa = 45.Figure 19. Backscattered Ez field magnitudes along transect, at various frequencies, when the projectile is inclined at 45 with nose down (θd = 45, θx = 0), and the antenna is rotated θa = 45.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - TR00-50034Figure 20. Scattered |Ez| values, when the incidence direction and incident E field orientations are in the (x,z) plane, for various incidence angles.LITERATURE CITED - TR00-50036LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR00-50037REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - TR00-50038TR00-5