Antifreeze Admixtures for ConcreteLABORATORY EXPERIMENTS - SR97_260008Table 4. Experimental tasks in Phase I, and number of mixesAnalysis of Phase 1 test resultsFigure 1. Compressive strength of best admixtures of Phase 1 cured at various temperaturesPhase 2: Laboratory evaluation of best admixtures from Phase 1Table 8. Set timesFigure 2. Cyclic polarization testTable 10. Corrosion rates with various admixturesTable 11. Air content in fresh concretePhase 3: Prototype slab-wall applicationFigure 3. Thermal history of various surfacesObservations and results - SR97_260019FIELD APPLICATION OF DEVELOPED ADMIXTURESObservations and results - SR97_260021Figure 7. Concrete temperatures for the slab containing PolarSetFigure 8. Concrete temperatures for the slab containing admixture DPPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF ANTIFREEZE ADMIXTURESCONCLUSIONS - SR97_260025RECOMMENDATIONS - SR97_260026Table 21. Market estimatePlans for commercializationAPPENDIX A: PHASE 1 TEST RESULTSTable A3. Compressive strength Table A4. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task BTable A5. Compressive strength. Task 1C cured at various temperaturesTable A6. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task CTable A8. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task DTable A9. Compressive strength. Task 1E cured at various temperaturesTable A10. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task E.Table A12. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task FTable A13. Compressive strength. Task 1Ga cured at various temperaturesTable A14. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task GaTable A16. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task GbTable A17. Compressive strength. Task 1Gc cured at various temperaturesTable A18. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task GcTable A20. Chemical composition of admixtures tested in Phase 1, Task H.APPENDIX B: THERMAL HISTORY OF SLAB-WALL PROTOTYPEFigure B6. WallFigure B8. WallFigure B11. WallFigure B12. Thermal record, 17-18 February.Figure B13. Thermal record, 18-19 February.APPENDIX C: PROPOSED CHANGES TO USACE GUIDANCEAPPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_260051Report Documentation Page - SR97_260052SR97_26