200 mV lower than the pitting potential gives
an indication of possible cathodic inhibition.
The test results for two specimens for each
condition are shown in Table 9. The full test
charts are also included for reference for those
familiar with these electrochemical tests.
Specimens 1A and 1B were the control speci-
mens (no antifreeze admixture) tested in a
saturated calcium hydroxide solution also
containing sodium chloride at 5% by weight
of water, with no other concrete admixture
present. Notice that these specimens showed
1 = Steel Cylinder
2 = Counter Electrode
the most negative pitting potential (more
3 = Reference Electrode
prone to pit), as expected. Specimens 2A and
4 = Ca(OH) + Admixture (if applicable)
2B were like 1A and 1B, except that the anti-
freeze admixture code-named DP was in-
dosages of set accelerators (i.e., > 6% s/s) formu-
cluded in the solution at 6% by weight of water.
lated with various calcium salts can prolong the
Notice that the pitting potential was much more
set of concrete compared to a control mix. In prac-
positive, which indicates less pitting tendency with
tice, set accelerators are rarely used above 4% s/s.
this antifreeze admixture.
The set times for the mixtures containing DP or
2) Lollipop test. This test measures the corro-
DPTC at 6% are similar to those of the mixture
sion that can occur in a steel rebar partially em-
containing PolarSet.
bedded in a concrete cylinder. The rebar protrudes
Task 2: Corrosion. Two types of tests, 1) cyclic
from the concrete cylinder, which is partially im-
polarization test, and 2) lollipop test, were con-
mersed along its longitudinal axis to half its height
in a 3% sodium chloride solution. The initial resis-
tivity is measured using standard AC impedance
ing chemical admixtures (code names DP and
DPTC) and a control were evaluated for their ten-
Six specimens for each admixture and a control
solution were tested. The test results are shown in
subjects the surface of a metal to conditions pro-
Table 10. The data suggest that these admixtures
moting pitting in environments similar to those
reduce the corrosion rate compared to the control
found in concrete pore water. A 9-mm-diameter,
specimens. Therefore, from the standpoint of cor-
13-mm-long steel cylinder is immersed in a satu-
rosion potential, these admixtures do not lead to
rated calcium hydroxide solution with and with-
increased corrosion of embedded steel.
out sodium chloride (Fig. 2). The steel cylinder is
Task 3: Hydration products. Strength, durability,
polarized from 800 mV versus saturated calomel
and other concrete properties are affected by the
electrode (SCE) at a scan rate of 5 mV/s until the
current reaches 255 A/cm
2, at which point the
potential is reversed. The test ends at a potential
ture, and overall quality of a hardened cement
of 700 mV versus SCE.
paste are determined primarily by four factors: 1)
The test determines the pitting tendency of ad-
type and amount of cement, 2) the water/
mixtures. Three important data points are ob-
cementitious material ratio, 3) moisture availabil-
Eb = breakdown potential (the potential at
Table 9. Pitting potential.
which pitting starts).
Solution [in addition to
Pitting potential
Ep = pitting potential (the potential below
H2O and Ca(OH)2]
which pitting cannot occur).
I = current density 200 mV below the pit-
ting potential.
DP + NaCl
The more negative the values of Eb and Ep, the
DP + NaCl
less effective is the admixture as a corrosion in-
hibitor. The magnitude of the current density at