The 1994 Arctic Ocean Section The First Major Scientific Crossing of the Arctic OceanSignificant Scientific FindingsContents - AOS_SR96_230004Contents-continue - AOS_SR96_230005U.S. PrefaceCanadian PrefaceIntroduction - AOS_SR96_230009Introduction-continue - AOS_SR96_230010Chronology Route of the first surface circumnavigation of North America and GreenlandChronology-continueThe Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker YamalIllustration - AOS_SR96_230015The ShipsThe Ships-continue - AOS_SR96_230017CCGS Louis S. St-LaurentThe Ships-continue - AOS_SR96_230019Science ReportsErk Reimnitz and Terry Tucker measuring the albedo of the ice surfaceDave Paton and Ikaksak Amagoalik collecting snow samples for contaminant studiesOcean Circulation and Geochemistry - AOS_SR96_230023Cloud RadiationOcean Circulation and Geochemistry - AOS_SR96_230025Potential temperature section from the Chukchi shelf (left) o the Eurasian flank of the Lomonosov Ridge (right)Saturation of oxygen vs pressure for the AOS-94 stations over the chukchi shelfTotal Carbonate and Total Alkalinity: Tracers of Shelf Waters in the Arctic OceanUpper profiles of total alkalinity at Stations 10 and 35 (the North Pole)Total Carbonate and Total Alkalinity: Tracers of Shelf Waters in the Arctic Ocean-continueTransient Tracers: Chlorofluorocarbons and Carbon TetrachlorideProfiles of CFC-11, CFC-113 and CCl4 at Station 35 in the Amundsen BasinTransient Tracers: Chlorofluorocarbons and Carbon Tetrachloride-continueDistribution of Iron and Aluminum in the Surface Waters of the Arctic OceanConcentrations of iron and aluminum in the surface waters vs. Louis S. St-Laurent station numbersChris Measures in the laboratory on the Louis S St-LaurentThorium Isotopes as Tracers of Scavenging and Particle Dynamics in the Arctic OceanCruise track of the CCGS Louis S St-Laurent and stations occupied for vertical sampling of 234 ThDepth profiles of 234ThWhat Can Be Learned from Barium Distributions in the Arctic OceanREFERENCE - AOS_SR96_230041Biology and the Carbon CyclePat Wheeler in the wet lab aboard Polar SeaDissolved organic carbon in the surface waterMesozooplankton Community Structure in the Arctic Ocean in SummerMesozooplankton biomass in the upper 100 m along the transectREFERENCES - AOS_SR96_230047Roles of Heterotrophic Bacteria and Protists in the Arctic Ocean Carbon CycleDeck incubator for productivity measurements on the Polar SeaContribution of Planktonic and Ice Algae to Dimethylsulfide Production across the Arctic Ocean in SummerBiological communities found in the sea ice and in the upper part of the water column in a North-South sectio of the Arctic Ocean during summerLatitudinal changes of the DMS concentration in surface water, in the bottom ice, at the water ice interfaceTransfer of Shelf-Derived Carbon to the Interior of the Arctic OceanProfiles of ΣCO2 (mM/kg) from both the AOS-94 cruise and the 1993 U.S. Navy submarine cruiseDimethyl Sulfide in the High ArcticEquipment used on the Polar Sea to analyze DMS samplesDistribution of atmospheric dimethyl sulfide concentration during the AOS-94 expeditionVariation of atmospheric dimethyl sulfide as a function of ice coverThe Role of Biomass, Bioturbation and Remineralization in Determining the Fate of Carbon in the Arctic OceanLisa Clough preparing a mud sample on the Polar SeaOxygen Consumption, Denitrification and Carbon Oxidation Rates in Near-Surface Sediments of the Arctic OceanOxygen Consumption, Denitrification and Carbon Oxidation Rates in Near-Surface Sediments of the Arctic Ocean-continueEcology of Marine MammalsMother and cub prior to captureCaptured bear being prepared for weighingUpper Trophic Level Research: Polar Bears and Ringed Seals-continueContaminantsSources of artificial radionuclides in the Arctic OceanArtificial Radionuclides in the Arctic Ocean-continuePersistent Organic ContaminantsFiona McLaughlin drawing water samples from the Niskin bottles for chemistry analysis on the Louis S. St. LaurentAir-Water Gas Exchange of Hexachlorocyclohexanes in the ArcticEnantiomeric ratios of α-HCH in surface water and air in the same bands of 5 latitudeREFERENCES - AOS_SR96_230074Volatile HalomethanesLaboratory on the Polar Sea equipped for analysis is of atmosphere and ocean contaminantsVolatile Halomethanes-continueC2C6 HydrocarbonsEthane concentration vs. latitude during AOS-94AOS-94 light hydrocarbon concentrations and ratios compared with those from other researchers for Alaska and the Norwegian Arctic.Atmospheric Radiation and Climate ProgramThe California Space Institute experiment design during AOS-94NOAA-12 AVHRR Channel 4 (Deep infrared) 04 August 1994 0057ZAtmospheric emission spectra measured by the CalSpace FTIR under conditions of high atmospheric opacityREFERENCE - AOS_SR96_230085AerosolsAerosols-continueREFERENCES - AOS_SR96_230088Sea Ice Characteristics across the Arctic OceanTemperature and salinity profiles for the same core from the North PoleIce crystal structure of multi-year ice sampled at the North PoleTony Gow, Erk Reimnitz, Bill Bosworth and Terry Tucker taking cores of dirty iceREFERENCES - AOS_SR96_230093Measurements of Ice Mechanical PropertiesMary Williams measuring the flexural strength of ice beamsREFERENCES - AOS_SR96_230096Sources of Ice-Rafted Detritus and Iceberg Tracks in the Arctic OceanSource areas for Arctic ice-rafted debris based on statistically unique grain-type content and chemistry of iron oxide grainsREFERENCE - AOS_SR96_230099Late Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Canada Basin, Central Arctic OceanLiz Osborne processing seafloor cores in the Polar Sea Core LaboratoryLate Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Canada Basin, Central Arctic Ocean-continueElemental and Isotope Geochemistry of Sediment from the Arctic OceanSr isotope variations of components of Late Cenozoic sediment from the Alpha Ridge, central Arctic OceanReal-Time Remote Sensing for Ice NavigationIce concentration along the Polar Sea's track to the North PoleREFERENCES - AOS_SR96_230107Ship Technology ProgramShip Technology Program-continueHullIce Interaction Load Measurements on the CCGSLouis S. St-Laurent breaking iceCommunications and Data ManagementSpecial Communications Solutions-continueData ManagementData Management-continueAppendicesAOS-94 Participants-continue - AOS_SR96_230117AOS-94 Participants-continue - AOS_SR96_230118CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent Crewnlisted Personnelnlisted Personnel-continueScience Stations Combined P and B stationsLouis S. St-LaurentO stations includeIllustration - AOS_SR96_230126Cruise track of the Louis S. St-Laurent and the Polar Sea between July 24 and September 3, 1994Total ice concentration for August 15, 1994Illustration - AOS_SR96_230129AOS_SR96_23