Science Stations
Combined P and B stations include CTD, nutrients, pCO2, halocarbons,
organics, DMSP, DOC, DON, POC, PON, zooplankton, chlorophyll, phy-
toplankton, heterotrophic protists, bacteria, primary production, nutrient up-
take, bacterial production, protistan herbivory, bactivory, zooplankton excre-
tion, and zooplankton herbivory.
B stations include CTD, nutrients, halocarbons, and chlorophyll.
Box cores (Bc) were variously sampled depending on whether they served
I stations include ice cores, albedo, sediments, and ice contaminants.
Depths are uncorrected.
In addition, over 1300 nautical miles of video and still photography ice
morphology survey lines were flown to measure floe and melt pond size distri-
Atmospheric chemistry and physics measurements were made throughout
the voyage, either continuously or through flask sampling or intermittent
pumping. These observations include volatile organics, dimethyl sulfide, ozone,
carbon monoxide and dioxide, organohalides, sulfur dioxide and acid gases,
ments of halomethanes in water, snow and ice were made while on station.
Radiation measurements were also made throughout the voyage. These
were done with a Fourier transform IR spectroradiometer (mid-IR), an exper-
imental near-IR detector, a total IR pyrgeometer, a solar pyranometer, a near-
IR pyranometer and a UV radiometer.