An Ecological Land Survey for Fort Greely, AlaskaCONTENTS - TR-01-40005TABLES - TR-01-40006INTRODUCTION - TR-01-40007Figure 1. Interaction of interrelated state factors that control structure and function of ecosystems - TR-01-40008Fort Greely ecological land surveyFigure 2. Location of study area and survey transects for the ecological land survey for Fort GreelyStudy area - TR-01-40011METHODS - TR-01-40012Classification - TR-01-40013Table 1. Coding system for the ecological land classification for Fort GreelyTable 2. Comparisson of systems for differtiating ecosystems at various scalesMapping - TR-01-40016Figure 5. Flow diagram of steps used in image processing and classification for creation of the ecotype map for Fort GreelyEcotypes - TR-01-40018RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - TR-01-40019Figure 7. Toposequences illustrating geomorphology, vegetation, elevations, soil stratigraphy, and permafrost occurrence. (See Figure 6 for key to lithofacies.)Figure 7. Toposequences illustrating geomorphology, vegetation, elevations, soil stratigraphy, and permafrost occurrence. (See Figure 6 for key to lithofacies.) - continued - TR-01-40021Figure 7. Toposequences illustrating geomorphology, vegetation, elevations, soil stratigraphy, and permafrost occurrence. (See Figure 6 for key to lithofacies.) - continued - TR-01-40022Figure 7. Toposequences illustrating geomorphology, vegetation, elevations, soil stratigraphy, and permafrost occurrence. (See Figure 6 for key to lithofacies.) - continued - TR-01-40023Ecosystem componentsTable 3. Hierarchinal associations among ecosystem components to ecotypes found within Fort GreelyTable 3. Hierarchinal associations among ecosystem components to ecotypes found within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40026Table 3. Hierarchinal associations among ecosystem components to ecotypes found within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40027Ecotypes - TR-01-40028Table 4. Classification and description of ecotypes within Fort GreelyTable 4. Classification and description of ecotypes within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40030Table 4. Classification and description of ecotypes within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40031Table 4. Classification and description of ecotypes within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40032Figure 8. Ground views of alphine,gravely lowland, and ecotypes on Fort GreelyFigure 9. Ground views of lowland and riverine ecotypes in Fort GreelyFigure 10. Ecotypes in Fort GreelyTable 5. Areal extents of ecotypes found within Fort GreelyTable 6. Mean cover (%) of the most abundant species within ecotypes on Fort GreelyTable 6. Mean cover (%) of the most abundant species within ecotypes on Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40038Table 6. Mean cover (%) of the most abundant species within ecotypes on Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40039Table 6. Mean cover (%) of the most abundant species within ecotypes on Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40040Ecotype characteristicsFigure 11. Environmental properties for ecotypes on Fort GreelyFigure 11. Environmental properties for ecotypes on Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40043Figure 11. Environmental properties for ecotypes on Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40044Ecosystem dynamics - TR-01-40045Fluvial processesFigure 12. Fire occurances on Fort Greely, 1950 - 1999Thermokarst - TR-01-40048Figure 13. Active layer depths and permafrost occurance at ground - reference plots on Fort GreelyEcosectionsFigure 14. Ecosections based on geomorphic units of Fogrt GreelyTable 7. Classification and description of geomorphic units used for differentiating ecosections within Fort GreelyTable 7. Classification and description of geomorphic units used for differentiating ecosections within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40053Table 7. Classification and description of geomorphic units used for differentiating ecosections within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40054Table 7. Classification and description of geomorphic units used for differentiating ecosections within Fort Greely - continued - TR-01-40055Table 8. Areal extents of geomorphic units used for differentiating ecosections found within Fort GreelyFigure 15. Depth to gravel at ground-reference plots on Fort GreelyFigure 16. depths of organics at ground reference plots on Fort GrellyFigure 17. Geology of Fort GreelyTable 9. Hierarchical grouping of ecodistricts and ecosubdistricts, and their areas, within Fort GreelyFigure 18. Aerial views of ecosubdistricts within Fort GreelyFigure 19. Ecolistics and ecosubdistrictd for Fort GreelyFigure 20. Shade relief map of Fort GreelyFigure 21. Generalized profile of ecological charcteristics of glaciated terrain within the Delta Lowlands ecodistrict on Fort GreelyFigure 22. Generalized profile of ecological characteristics of floodplains and flats within the Delta Lowlands ecodistrict on Fort GreelyLITERATURE CITED - TR-01-40066LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR-01-40067LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR-01-40068LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR-01-40069APPENDIX A: SYSTEM FOR AGGREGATING GEOMORPHIC AND VEGETATION TYPES INTO ECOTYPESAPPENDIX A: SYSTEM FOR AGGREGATING GEOMORPHIC AND VEGETATION TYPES INTO ECOTYPES - continued - TR-01-40071APPENDIX A: SYSTEM FOR AGGREGATING GEOMORPHIC AND VEGETATION TYPES INTO ECOTYPES - continued - TR-01-40072APPENDIX A: SYSTEM FOR AGGREGATING GEOMORPHIC AND VEGETATION TYPES INTO ECOTYPES - continued - TR-01-40073APPENDIX A: SYSTEM FOR AGGREGATING GEOMORPHIC AND VEGETATION TYPES INTO ECOTYPES - continued - TR-01-40074APPENDIX B: GROUND REFERENCE DATATable B1. Data file listing environmental characteristics of ground-reference plots, Fort Greely, Alaska, 1999Table B1. Data file listing environmental characteristics of ground-reference plots, Fort Greely, Alaska, 1999 - continued - TR-01-40077Table B1. Data file listing environmental characteristics of ground-reference plots, Fort Greely, Alaska, 1999 - continued - TR-01-40078Table B1. Data file listing environmental characteristics of ground-reference plots, Fort Greely, Alaska, 1999 - continued Table B1. Data file listing environmental characteristics of ground-reference plots, Fort Greely, Alaska, 1999 - continued - TR-01-40080Table B1. Data file listing environmental characteristics of ground-reference plots, Fort Greely, Alaska, 1999 - continued - TR-01-40081Table B1. Data file listing environmental characteristics of ground-reference plots, Fort Greely, Alaska, 1999 - continued - TR-01-40082Table B2. Data file listign of environmental characteristics of map verification plots,Fort Greely,centarl Alaska,1999Table B2. Data file listign of environmental characteristics of map verification plots,Fort Greely,centarl Alaska,1999 - continuedAPPENDIX C: ACCURACY ASSESSMENT AND MAP VERIFICATIONAPPENDIX D: AGGREGATION AND SIMPLIFICATION OF ECOTYPE CLASSIFICATIONTable D2. Areal extents of aggregated ecotypes found within Fort GreelyTable D3. Omision and commission errors used to approximate the accuracy associated with tha mapping of aggregated ecotypes (20 classes) on Fort GreelyREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - TR-01-40089TR-01-4