Table 4 (cont'd). Classification and description of ecotypes within Fort Greely. Descriptions include
physiography, geomorphology, soil properties, and vegetation. Plant names in bold are indicator species
that can be used to differentiate ecotypes on the ground.
Upland Moist
Gentle upper slopes on loess and moraine deposits with vegetation dominated by
deciduous broadleaf trees. Soils are loamy with thin surface organic layers, well drained, moist, and
moderately acidic. Permafrost is absent. The closed canopy is dominated by Betula papyrifera, while
Alnus crispa, Picea glauca, P. mariana, Rosa acicularis, Calamagrostis canadensis, and Hylocomium
splendens are important in the understory.
Upland Moist
Upland slopes on loess, residual soils, and moraines with vegetation dominated by mixed forests.
Mixed Forest
Soils are loamy (sometimes gravelly) with thin surface organic layers, well drained, moist, and moder-
ately acidic. Permafrost is absent. The canopy is dominated by Picea glauca and Betula papyrifera
while other important plants include Populus tremuloides, Picea mariana, Geocaulon lividum, Linnaea
borealis, and Hylocomium splendens.
Upland Moist
Upland slopes on loess, residual soils, and moraines with vegetation dominated by
needleleaf forests. Soils are loamy (sometimes gravelly) with thin surface organic layers, well-drained,
moist, and moderately acidic. Permafrost is absent. The canopy is dominated by Picea glauca and
common understory species include Alnus crispa, Rosa acicularis, Geocaulon lividum, and Hylocomium
Upland Wet
Steep, upper north-facing slopes on loess, residual soils, and moraines with vegetation dominated
by needleleaf forests. Soils are organic to loamy, poorly drained because of the presence of permafrost,
wet to moist, and moderately acidic. Moisture is variable because bedrock may be near the surface and
permafrost may be absent. Canopy is dominated by Picea mariana and understory plants include Alnus
crispa, Ledum groenlandicum, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi,
and Sphagnum spp.
Low-lying, flat areas on abandoned floodplains and terraces of glacial outwash with
vegetation dominated by low shrubs. Soils are gravelly with thin organic and loam horizons, well to
Moist Low
excessively drained, dry, and slightly acidic. Vegetation is dominated by Betula nana and Stereocaulon
sp., and includes Picea mariana, dwarf Populus tremuloides, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and Hylocomium
Low-lying, flat areas on glacial outwash and thin loess deposits with vegetation
dominated by broadleaf forests. Soils are gravelly with little surface organics, well to excessively drained,
Dry Broadleaf
dry, and slightly acidic. Permafrost is absent. The canopy is dominated by Populus tremuloides and
occasionally mixed with P. balsamifera. The understory usually includes P. mariana, Arctostaphylos
uva-ursi, Festuca altaica, and Galium boreale.
Low-lying, flat areas on abandoned floodplains and terraces of glacial outwash with
Gravelly Dry
vegetation dominated by mixed forests. Soils are gravelly with thin organic and loam horizons, well to
Mixed Forest
excessively drained, dry, and slightly acidic. Canopy is co-dominated by Picea glauca, P. tremuloides
and P. balsamifera, and the understory includes Shepherdia canadensis, Linnaea borealis, and
Hylocomium splendens. Uncommon and not mapped.
Low-lying, flat areas on abandoned floodplains and terraces of glacial outwash with
vegetation dominated by needleleaf forests. Soils are gravelly with moderately thick organic and loam
horizons, well to excessively drained, dry, and slightly acidic. Tree canopy may be dominated by either
Picea glauca or P. mariana, common associates include Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea,
Stereocaulon sp., and Rhytidium rugosum.
Lowland Moist
Low-lying areas or basins formed in drained lakes in moraines and abandoned floodplains with
vegetation dominated by sedges and grasses. Soils are loamy with organic horizons of variable depth,
somewhat well-drained, moist, and slightly acidic. Dominant plants include Carex saxatilis and/or
Calamagrostis canadensis, associated species may include Eriophorum angustifolium, C. aquatilis, and
Salix arbusculoides. Not mapped.
Lowland Low
Lower slopes and flat, low-lying areas on moraines and glaciofluvial outwash deposits
with early successional vegetation dominated by low shrubs. Disturbance most commonly is from
fire. Sites are loamy or rocky with thin organic horizons, well drained, and slightly acidic. Common plants
include Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana, Ledum groenlandicum, Epilobium angustifolium, Salix
glauca, V. vitis-idaea, Ceratodon purpureus, and Polytrichum sp.
Lowland Moist
Lower slopes and flat, low-lying areas on moraines, glaciofluvial outwash, and retransported
Tall Scrub
deposits with vegetation dominated by tall shrubs. Soils are loamy with thin surface organic layers, well
drained, moist, and moderately acidic. The open or closed shrub canopy is dominated by Alnus crispa or
Salix bebbiana, and usually includes Salix planifolia, Calamagrostis canadensis, and Betula nana.