A Floristic Inventory and Spatial Database for Fort Wainwright, Interior AlaskaFigure 2. Locations of the four Defense Mapping Agency 1:50,000 installation mapsClimateFigure 5. Aerial oblique photo of the Yukon Maneuver Area (YMA) in the YukonTanana UplandsGeology and soilsMETHODS - SR97_230012Subdivision of base for site selectionFigure 8. Subdivision of Tanana Flats into floristic inventory units based mainly on landformsFigure 10. Blair Lakes floristic inventory unit on the Tanana FlatsFigure 11. Aerial oblique view northwest across Tanana Flats to the south-facing grassland slopes of the Wood River ButtesFigure 14. Tanana Flats Lowlands inventory unitSelection of inventory sites by vegetation and habitat typeSite data collectionRESULTS - SR97_230020Cryptogam collectionsFigure 18. Locations of floristic inventory sites in the southwest section of Tanana FlatsFigure 19. Locations of floristic inventory sites in the southeast section of Tanana FlatsDISCUSSION - SR97_230024Table 2. Vegetation classes inventoried for vascular flora on Ft. Wainwright, Alaska, by geographic division and site numberTable 2. Continued - SR97_230026Table 2. Continued - SR97_230027Vascular plant range extensionsCONCLUSIONS - SR97_230029SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY-continue - SR97_230030SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY-continue - SR97_230031SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY-continue - SR97_230032SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY-continue - SR97_230033SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY-continue - SR97_230034List of References Useful for the Identification of Boreal CryptogamsList of References Useful for the Identification of Boreal Cryptogams-continueAPPENDIX A: VEGETATION TYPES ON FT. WAINWRIGHT, INTERIOR ALASKAPeatlandsDisturbed vegetationAPPENDIX B: LIST OF COLLECTING SITES FOR THE FLORISTIC INVENTORY ON FT. WAINWRIGHT, ALASKATable B2. Floristic inventory site locations and characteristics for FWA DMA map NorthTable B3. Floristic inventory site locations and characteristics for FWA DMA map SouthTable B4. Floristic inventory site locations and characteristics for FWA DMA map WestAPPENDIX C: ALPHABETICAL CHECKLIST OF VASCULAR PLANTS COLLECTED FROM FORT WAINWRIGHT MILITARY INSTALLATION, ALASKA, 1995APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230045APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230046APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230047APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230048APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230049APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230050APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230051APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230052APPENDIX C. Continued - SR97_230053APPENDIX D: CHECKLIST OF COLLECTED VASCULAR PLANTS ARRANGED BY FAMILY FROM FORT WAINWRIGHT MILITARY INSTALLATION, ALASKA, 1995APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230055APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230056APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230057APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230058APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230059APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230060APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230061APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230062APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230063APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230064APPENDIX D. Continued - SR97_230065APPENDIX E: ALPHABETICAL CHECKLIST OF IDENTIFIED COMMON GROUNDCOVER CRYPTOGAMS COLLECTED ON FT. WAINWRIGHT, ALASKA, 1995APPENDIX E. Continued - SR97_230067APPENDIX E. Continued - SR97_230068APPENDIX E. Continued - SR97_230069APPENDIX F: GROUND COVER CRYPTOGAM-HABITAT RELATIONSHIPSTable F2. Typical ground-inhabiting cryptogams of forests in interior AlaskaTable F4. Typical cryptogam species found in dry xeric steppe vegetation on south-facing slopes of buttes and hills on FWATable F5. Typical cryptogam species of alpine tundra on FWA.Report Documentation Page - SR97_230074SR97_23