In The Environment of the YukonCharley Rivers Area
Alberta. Natural History Occasional Paper, 21: 154.
of Alaska: Results of the Center for Northern Studies
Keys and black and white photographs of a re-
Biological Survey of the YukonCharley Rivers Area
cently revised genus important in boreal regions
19741975 (S.B. Young, Ed.). Contributions from
Goward, T., B. McCune, and D. Meidinger (1994)
the Center for Northern Studies 9. Wolcott, Ver-
The Lichens of British Columbia, Illustrated Keys. Part
mont: Center for Northern Studies, p. 5996.
1, Foliose and Squamulose Species. Vol. 8, Ministry
*Young, S.B. (1976b) Floristic investigations in the
of Forests Research Program Special Report Series.
"arctic-steppe" biome. In The Environment of the
Excellent keys illustrated with black and white line
YukonCharley Rivers Area of Alaska: Results of the
Center for Northern Studies Biological Survey of the
Hale, M.E. (1979) How to Know the Lichens. 2nd
YukonCharley Rivers Area 19741975 (S.B. Young,
edition. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown. Keys il-
Ed.). Contributions from the Center for Northern
lustrated with black and white photographs and
Studies 9. Wolcott, Vermont: Center for Northern
Studies, p. 124145.
Hallingbck, T., and I. Holmsen (1982) Mossor.
*Young, S.B., and C.H. Racine (1976) General veg-
En flthandbok. (In Swedish.) Stockholm: Inter-
etation studies. In The Environment of the Yukon
publishing. Outstanding color photographs.
Charley Rivers Area of Alaska: Results of the Center
Iwatsuki, Z., and M. Izawa (1986) Pteridophytes
for Northern Studies Biological Survey of the Yukon
and Bryophytes. Field Handbook 13. (In Japanese.)
Charley Rivers Area 19741975 (S.B. Young, Ed.).
Tokyo: Yama-kei Publishers. Outstanding color
Contributions from the Center for Northern Stud-
ies 9. Wolcott, Vermont: Center for Northern Stud-
Jahns, H.M. (1980) Collins Guide to the Ferns, Mosses
ies, p. 4058.
and Lichens of Britain and Northern and Central Eu-
*Yurtsev, B.A. (1984) Foreststeppe meso-land-
rope. London: Collins. With copious excellent color
scapes of south-facing slopes in the northern taiga
parts of the eastern Alaska. Bot. Zhurn. 69(7): 881
Johnson, D., L. Kershaw, A. MacKinnon, and
J. Pojar (1995) Plants of the Western Boreal Forest
and Aspen Parkland. Redmond, Washington: Lone
Pine Publishing. The newest in the excellent field
guide series from Lone Pine Publishing. With
List of References Useful for the Identification
color photographs, line drawings, and diagnostic
of Boreal Cryptogams
Anderson, L.E. (1990) A checklist of Sphagnum in
MacKinnon, A., J. Pojar, and R. Coup (1992)
North America north of Mexico. Bryologist, 93: 500
Plants of Northern British Columbia. Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada: Lone Pine Publishing. With color
Anderson, L.E., H.A. Crum, and W.R. Buck (1990)
List of the mosses of North America north of
McCune, B., and T. Goward (1995) Macrolichens
Mexico. Bryologist, 93: 448499.
of the Northern Rocky Mountains. Eureka, Califor-
Dahl, E., and H. Krog (1973) Macrolichens of Den-
nia: Mad River Press, Inc. Outstanding keys illus-
mark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Oslo, Nor-
trated with black and white drawings, treating 518
way: Universitetsforlaget (Scandinavian Univer-
macrolichens. Alaska is not in area covered, but
sity Books). With excellent keys and some good
book is very useful since it is up-to-date and cov-
line drawings.
ers many Alaskan taxa.
Dobson, F.S. (1992) Lichens, An Illustrated Guide to
McQueen, C.B. (1990) Field Guide to the Peat Mosses
the British and Irish Species. 3rd edition. Richmond
of Boreal North America. Hanover, New Hampshire:
Publishing, Slough. Numerous black and white
University Press of New England. With some color
and a few color photographs.
photographs and helpful line drawings, stresses
Esslinger, T.L., and R.S. Egan (1995) A sixth check-
field characters.
list of the lichen-forming, lichenicolous, and allied
Moberg, R., and I. Holmsen (1982) Lavar. En
fungi of the continental United States and Canada.
flthandbok. (In Swedish.) Stockholm: Interpub-
Bryologist, 98: 467549. Up-to-date nomenclature,
lishing. Outstanding color photographs.
essential since there have been many changes in
Phillips, R. (1980) Grasses, Ferns, Mosses and Li-
recent years.
chens of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Pan
Goffinet, B., and R.I. Hastings (1994) The lichen
Books. With numerous color photographs.
genus Peltigera (lichenized ascomycetes) in
Pojar, J., and A. MacKinnon (1994) Plants of Coastal