include Myriophyllum verticillatum, Hammarbya
also prove to be more common as additional col-
paludosa, and Lysimachia thyrsiflora.
lections are made in aquatic sites in interior Alaska.
The species was collected at four lake sites (61, 67,
68, 70).
Vascular floristic richness
Although 491 vascular species and subspecies
4. Drosera anglica (long-leaved sundew). The
were inventoried on FWA, this number is consid-
Fort Wainwright collections of this species repre-
erably less than the 582 taxa collected on Fort
sent a significant extension from the nearest loca-
Richardson near Anchorage in 1994. The FWA vas-
tion in Hulten (1968). It is likely to be more com-
cular flora represents 26% of the 1960 species listed
mon. This sundew was found at one site near
in Hulten (1968) as compared with 30% on Fort
Horseshoe Lake in the YMA (54).
Richardson. Moreover, Fort Richardson only cov-
5. Hammarbya paludosa (bog adder's mouth). We
ers 5% of the land area covered by FWA. There are
now have several additional locations for this bog
several reasons for the greater vascular plant rich-
orchid species in interior and southern Alaska, al-
ness on Fort Richardson: Fort Richardson contains
though it seems to have a very discontinuous dis-
elevations from sea level up to 1650 m (5300 ft)
tribution. It is an easily overlooked orchid but is
including coastal salt marsh and higher alpine ar-
never reported as common. On FWA, the species
eas, which undoubtedly adds to the vascular di-
was collected at three sites, one in each of the three
versity. However, more important to the higher
subdivisions of FWA (72, 45, 49).
diversity on Fort Richardson is the proximity of
6. Pedicularis macrodonta (small-flowered lous-
the base to three biogeographic regions, each with
ewort) (including P. parviflora ssp. parviflora). This
distinct floristic elements: southeastern Alaska,
species was found on floating bog and fen mats in
interior Alaska, and the Aleutians.
Tanana Flats. These collections extend this
lousewort's range to the north (85, 86, 44).
7. Potentilla arguta (white cinquefoil). This spe-
Vascular plant range extensions
The floristic inventory found a number of range
cies is typically found on dry bluff sites and is rare
extensions for species and several new locations
in Alaska. Prior to its collection at one site on the
for rare taxa. Using the maps in Hulten (1968) as a
Wood River Buttes (3) it was known only from sites
base for vascular plant distributions of Alaska,
to the south and near the Canadian border.
many of the taxa collected could be considered
8. Potentilla virgulata. This is another dry-site
new to the Fairbanks area. A number of these are
species found at FWA on the south-facing Birch
introduced or have escaped from cultivation, and
Hill Bluff (15) in the cantonment area. This record
others are minor, peripheral range extensions or
fills a large distribution gap between its southern
connections. The following 10 vascular taxa may
and northern ranges.
be considered to be significant range extensions
9. Rorippa curvisiliqua. This cress is rare in Alaska
of more than 150 km (90 mi), according to Hulten
and otherwise known only from the southeast
portion of the state. In FWA it was collected at only
1. Alisma triviale (water plantain). This semi-
one site near Salmon Load (87), a small hill in
aquatic species had been collected previously in
Tanana Flats.
interior Alaska, but the collection was never
10. Rosa woodsii (wood rose). This is a rare spe-
published. It is disjunct by hundreds of kil-
cies of dry sites. On FWA a single location for this
ometers from its main range in boreal North
species was found on a bluff near Blair Lakes (32).
America but is likely to prove more common as
It is otherwise known in Alaska from less than five
more aquatic sites are investigated. This species
sites in the interior. It has been collected (but not
was collected at three lake sites (20, 23, 73) in the
reported) from the Bonanza Creek bluff across the
Tanana River.
2. Carex Krausei (Kraus's sedge). This collection
fills a gap between its northern and southern
Cryptogam range extensions
ranges in Alaska. The species was collected at two
Among the cryptogam collections were two
floodplain sites on Tanana Flats (74, 82).
aquatic hepatics with significant range extensions:
3. Cicuta bulbifera (bulb-bearing water hemlock).
Ricciocarpos natans, for which there are few records
This water hemlock is known from only two other
in Alaska, and Riccia fluitans, previously unre-
collections in Alaska, one near Anchorage in south
ported in Alaska. Both seem to be quite frequent,
central Alaska, and an earlier (unpublished) col-
floating among vascular plants at lake margins,
lection from Fort Wainwright. This species may
particularly in the Tanana Flats fen area.