7. Lycopus uniflorus (northern water horehound)
Vascular rare species records
None of the vascular taxa inventoried on FWA
G5 S3: Although relatively common in parts of
are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as
southeast Alaska, this species is restricted to a few
endangered or threatened and none were listed
disjunct locations in interior Alaska. Collected at
on their Category 2 candidate list (which is no
one site near Blair Lakes (65).
longer being maintained). However, the inventory
8. Oxytropis tananensis (Tanana locoweed) G3 S3:
located several populations of rare plants being
A distinctive endemic found on dry gravels and
tracked by the AKNHP. Most of the rare taxa were
xeric bluffs of interior Alaska, this species is re-
found on xeric sites (dry bluffs or river gravels) or
stricted to a small geographic area, though it is
in wetland (especially aquatic) habitats. These ar-
often common on the sites where it is found. Col-
eas (and alpine sites) are often the habitats where
lected at a disturbed site (46) on the cantonment.
rare species are found in Alaska. The taxa are
9. Rorippa curvisiliqua G5 S1: This mustard is
briefly discussed below together with the National
apparently very rare in Alaska and is mostly
Heritage Program ranking at the global (G) and
known from a few sites in southeast Alaska.
state (S) levels; the number after the G or S indi-
10. Rosa woodsii (wood rose) G5 S1S2: A very
cates the ranking at each level.* Many species that
distinctive rose found on dry bluffs and in wood-
are globally secure may be rare at the state level.
lands along rivers. It is only known from a few
1. Artemisia laciniata G5 S2: An Asian species
other sites in eastern interior Alaska. Found on
closely related to A. laciniatiformis, both of which
only one dry bluff site near Blair Lakes (32).
are rare in Alaska, being known from several dry
11. Syntheris borealis G3G4 S3S4: A distinctive
interior bluff sites or open woodlands. On FWA it
endemic of moist alpine sites in interior Alaska, it
was collected at two sites including Sage Hill (20)
is not uncommon within its limited range.
in the cantonment and at Wood River Buttes (40).
2. Carex crawfordii (Crawford's sedge) G5 S2S3:
A species of dry sites and roadsides, this sedge is
slowly being found at additional sites and may
Of the over 100 sites visited and inventoried for
prove to be more common than now believed.
vascular and ground-inhabiting cryptogam spe-
Collected at four sites (11, 22, 36, 73) in the can-
cies on FWA, several stand out as being very di-
tonment area.
verse or containing rare species. These sites and
3. Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort) G5 S1S2:
the species they contain should be protected. Ex-
Now known from at least five locations in Alaska,
amples of such sites containing good representa-
this aquatic species will likely be found at addi-
tion of the dry steppe flora are Sage Hill (20) and
tional sites.
East Birch Hill (15), both in the cantonment area.
4. Cicuta bulbifera (bulb-bearing water hemlock)
Gravel mining presently threatens both of these
G5 S1S2: Previously known in Alaska from only
areas. In addition, small ponds (known as the Duck
two locations, one near Anchorage and the other
Ponds) at the base of Birch Hill were floristically
on Fort Wainwright.
diverse in terms of aquaticwetland species and
5. Cryptogramma stelleri G5 S2S3: A fern known
also contain a number of rare vascular species.
from an increasing number of sites in Alaska, but
Alpine areas in the YMA are relatively rare and
always reported to be rare. Collected at two sites
are being developed as assault strip training ar-
(61, 76) in the cantonment area.
eas. Site 25 in Figure 17 is one such example. Al-
6. Dodecatheon pulchellum ssp. pauciflorum (few-
though these areas do not support a very diverse
flowered shooting star) G5T5Q S2: A distinctive
alpine flora, they add significantly to the total flo-
subspecies found on dry sites, especially south-
ristic diversity of FWA.
facing bluffs; this taxon will likely be found to be
more common. Collected at two sites on the Wood
River Buttes (4, 2).
*Denotes references used to construct a prelimi-
*1 = critically imperiled because of extreme rarity; 2 =
nary vascular species checklist for Ft. Wain-
imperiled because of rarity; 3 = very rare and local
throughout the range; 4 = apparently secure; 5 = de-
monstrably secure; T = global rank of described sub-
*Alaska Planning Group (1974a) Proposed Bea-
species or variety; Q = uncertainty about taxonomic sta-
ver Creek National Wild River, Alaska. Final en-
tus that might affect global rank.