Freezing Temperature Protection Admixture for Portland Cement ConcreteObjectives - SR96_280009PHASE I: EVALUATION OF POZZUTEC 20Table 5. Phase I mixture identification.Results and discussion - SR96_280012Figure 1. Temperature histories of concrete with Types I and III cement, various dosages of Pozzutec 20, cured at various temperaturesFigure 2. Effect of temperature on strength gain of concreteask 2: Corrosion potentialTable 7. Durability factors for Pozzutec 20 concreteTask 5: Critical strengthPHASE II: DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED ADMIXTUREResults and discussion - SR96_280019Table 14. Strength results from Pozzutec 20 (P20) and propylene glycol (PG) and urea with a 420-kg/m3 PHASE III: EVALUATION OF IMPROVED ADMIXTURETask 2: Corrosion potentialFigure 8. Lollipop specimens, 50- 100-mm (2 4 in.) cylinders ponded half-height in sodium chloride solutionPHASE IV: FIELD APPLICATIONResults and discussion - SR96_280025Table 24. Properties of fresh concreteTable 26. Strength results, MPa (psi), from pull-out cylinders cast into the concreteTable 27. Mix proportionsThermal recordStrength development - SR96_280030Table 31. Winter cost estimateCONCLUSIONS - SR96_280032CONCLUSIONS-continue - SR96_280033RECOMMENDATIONS - SR96_280034APPENDIX A: PHASE I, TASK 1 STRENGTHSTable A3. Compressive strength, MPa (psi), with Type I cement and a 420-kg/m3 (705 lb/yd3) cement factorAPPENDIX B: PHASE I, TASK 5 CRITICAL STRENGTHSAPPENDIX C: PHASE II, MORTAR SCREENING RESULTSTable C2. Mortar mix results, 90 fl oz/cwt dosageAPPENDIX D: PHASE II, CONCRETE TESTING RESULTSTable D2. Mix data and plastic propertiesTable D3a. Hardened propertiesTable D4. Mix data and plastic propertiesReport Documentation Page - SR96_280044SR96_28