test used a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), 60
99 at the end of the test. The 100 mL/kg (150 fl
mV should by added to the ASTM values to make
oz/cwt), on the other hand, failed after 204 cycles
them useful to our readings (to convert to mV
of freezing and thawing. The lower dosage (90 fl
SCE). Based on this guidance, potential indicative
oz) of Pozzutec is the maximum dosage recom-
of corrosion for a saturated calomel electrode is
mended by Master Builders.
290 mV. The admixture-free specimens and the
specimens containing both dosages of Pozzutec
Task 4: Equivalent insulation
20 partially submerged in 3% sodium chloride
The minimum temperature at which concrete
solution showed beginning signs of corrosion (Fig.
with Pozzutec 20 can be cured to produce com-
3). The interest, however, is that the Pozzutec 20
pressive strengths equal to that of control con-
crete cured at 10C (50F) was determined. Table
did not increase the level of corrosion when com-
pared to the reference. All specimens in deion-
8 shows the strength of the various concrete mix-
ized water show no indication of corrosion. Thus,
tures studied. As can be seen, the minimum tem-
the Pozzutec 20 did not adversely affect the mor-
perature for the 40-mL/kg (60 fl oz/cwt) dosage
of Pozzutec 20 (mixture 2,1) was 2C (35.6F),
tar from the corrosion point of view.
Previous testing by others (Nmai et al. 1994)
where its strength equaled or bettered that of the
corroborates the above results by showing that
control at all ages. The 60 (90) and 100 (150) mL/
mortar containing 60 mL/kg (90 fl oz/cwt) of
kg (fl oz/cwt) had minimum temperatures of 1
and 0C, respectively. For the mixture made with
Pozzutec 20 and tested by the aforementioned
method of FHWA over the 50-week examination
high early strength cement, the zero dose and 60
period showed no sign of rebar corrosion. The
mL/kg (90 fl oz/cwt) dose had minimum tem-
peratures of 2 and 4C (28.4 and 24.8F), re-
FHWA test, also known as the modified Southern
Climate Accelerated Corrosion Test, subjects the
top surface of concrete slabs, embedded with two
layers of rebar, to intermittent ponding with 15%
sodium chloride solution. The presence of corro-
sion is determined by the voltage drop between
Table 8. Equivalent insulation test results for con-
the layers of rebar.
crete made with Pozzutec 20.
Compressive strength--MPa (psi)
Task 3: Durability
Mixture ID
7 days
14 days
28 days
Table 7 shows the results from subjecting con-
2,0,10 (control)
23.5 (3405)
28.5 (4131)
33.1 (4800)
crete beams to up to 300 cycles of freezing and
thawing according to ASTM C 666, Procedure A.
23.7 (3442)
29.6 (4291)
33.0 (4791)
24.0 (3475)
30.0 (4357)
34.7 (5027)
22.6 (3282)
27.8 (4037)
33.8 (4899)
19.9 (2881)
26.1 (3782)
30.5 (4428)
of each concrete beam according to ASTM C 215.
Criteria of ASTM C 494 indicate that concrete is of
25.5 (3697)
31.7 (4593)
35.5 (5154)
adequate durability if it maintains a durability
24.4 (3532)
31.1 (4513)
35.8 (5197)
factor of greater than 80 after 300 freezethaw
22.4 (3524)
29.1 (4220)
33.4 (4847)
20.3 (2947)
27.2 (3942)
32.3 (4678)
cycles. The durability factor is the relative dy-
25.9 (3753)
30.2 (4380)
36.4 (5281)
cent, at the end of testing multiplied by the frac-
25.8 (3739)
31.9 (4630)
38.4 (5564)
tion of the number of test cycles conducted to the
24.3 (3527)
29.6 (4296)
36.3 (5262)
specified number of cycles (300 for this project).
19.7 (2862)
28.9 (4186)
33.8 (4899)
As seen in the table, the control and Pozzutec 20
27.2 (3942)
34.8 (5041)
38.7 (5612)
mixture dosed at 60 mL/kg (90 fl oz/cwt) per-
27.2 (3937)
35.9 (5210)
37.5 (5432)
formed well. They both had durability factors of
26.3 (3810)
33.5 (4857)
32.8 (4763)
24.2 (3503)
30.4 (4409)
34.4 (4984)
Table 7. Durability factors for Pozzutec 20 concrete.
30.5 (4418)
35.8 (5197)
41.8 (6059)
29.8 (4319)
37.0 (5366)
40.0 (5805)
Pozzutec 20 dosage--mL/kg (fl oz/cwt)
28.6 (4140)
35.0 (5069)
39.5 (5734)
60 (90)
100 (150)
26.9 (3895)
35.0 (5074)
39.4 (5720)
Durability factor
* Denotes Type III cement.