Soil Moisture Determinations Using Capacitance Probe MethodologyFigure 1. Coaxial probe configurationTable 1. Dielectric constant of waterSYSTEM RELIABILITY AND REPEATABILITY CONSIDERATIONSTable 2a. Statistical summaries: Preliminary tests Table 2a. ContinuedDIELECTRIC CONSTANT MEASUREMENTSInsulated probe considerationsTable 3. Performance of insulated probesRESULTS OF A FIELD TEST PROGRAMTable 5. Correcting readings of insulated probes to read the same as the uninsulated readingsTable 7. Calibration run 2, GSB test siteTEST RESULTS - SR98_020019Figure 7. Moisture content vs. elapsed days at all three depths; GSB siteTable 11. GSB test site, 6-in. depthTable 12. GSB test site, 12-in. depthTable 13. GSB test site, 18-in. depthTable 13. ContinuedFigure 8. Percent moisture content by volume vs. dielectric constant according to Topp et al., Roth et al., and CRREL calibration equationsTable 14. Soil moisture calculationsCONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - SR98_020027LITERATURE CITED - SR98_020028APPENDIX A: SAMPLE CALCULATIONRaw data from the autumn RC tests Their statistical summation is also shownTest data taken 23 September 1991Test data taken 26 September 1991 - SR98_020032Test data taken 26 September 1991 - SR98_020033Statistical analysis of the performance of the four boxes with a constant known input on the end of a cableAPPENDIX B: RAW DATA FROM PROBE TESTSBox 2. Methanol, nulledBox 4. Distilled water, nulledBox 3. Distilled water, not nulledBox 3. Methanol, not nulledBox 4. Methanol, nulled. CD = 2.29 pFAPPENDIX C: RAW DATA FROM GSB SITE FIELD TESTSAPPENDIX C. Continued - SR98_020042APPENDIX C. Continued - SR98_020043APPENDIX C. Continued - SR98_020044APPENDIX C. Continued - SR98_020045APPENDIX C. Continued - SR98_020046APPENDIX C. Continued - SR98_020047APPENDIX C. Continued - SR98_020048Report Documentation Page - SR98_020049SR98_02