Preservation of Water Samples Containing Nitroaromatics and NitraminesEVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVESEXPERIMENTAL MATERIALSEXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND RESULTSPreliminary evaluation of sodium bisulfate and percentages of acetonitrile necessary to stabilize samples Figure 2. Concentration of 3,5-DNA for samples acidified to pH 2, pH 3.5, and left unacidifiedFigure 5. Stability of TNT in samples acidified to pH2, pH 3.5, and left unacidifiedFurther evaluation of successful methods of preservationEvaluation of selected preservatives on EPA Method 8330 determinationTable 4. Concentrations of various analytes fortified into Connecticut River water for replicate studyHolding-time study using Ph2 stabilization for fortified river waterTable 6. Results of holding-time study using fortified Connecticut River waterFigure 8. Stability of HMX and RDX in fortified Connecticut River waterFigure 10. RP-HPLC chromatograms for Connecticut River water samples fortified with DNB, tetryl, 4ADNT, and 3NTTable 7. Recoveries of analytes from polyethylene cap linersHolding-time study using pH 2 stabilization for fortified groundwatersEvaluation of acidification using field-contaminated groundwaterFigure 17. Stability of HMX and RDX in groundwater samples from the Naval Surface Warfare CenterFigure 18. Stability of 4ADNT in three groundwater samples from the Naval Surface Warfare CenterFigure 21. Behavior of TNB in several groundwater samples from the Naval Surface Warfare CenterProblems with acidification for the amino compoundsCONCLUSIONS - SR95_160029LITERATURE CITED-continue - SR95_160030APPENDIX A: HOLDING-TIME STUDY RESULTS - SR95_160031Table A3. Results of holding-time study for groundwater samples from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, indiana, well CTable A5. Results of holding-time study for groundwater samples from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Indiana, well ETable A8. Results of holding-time study for groundwater samples from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Indiana, Well HTable A9. Results of holding-time study for groundwater samples from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Indiana, well IReport Documentation Page - SR95_160036SR95_16