a. Vegetated pond bottom sediments frozen onto ice near the In-between Gully.
b. Sediment layer frozen onto an ice block at Otter Gully.
Figure 63. Examples of freeze-on to pond ice at ERF.
countered had sediment frozen to them. The num-
into Knik Arm and thereby can redistribute WP-
ber of positive detections (~50%) out of the total
contaminated materials. Further analyses are re-
number of samples indicates that this may be
quired to determine if these results are represen-
extremely important. This mechanism could en-
train areas of pond bottom material of several
The plankton net samples are important be-
square meters or more, with thicknesses of tens of
cause they point to water actively transporting
centimeters. Ice floes move inland as well as out
WP-contaminated sediment from C-Pond or the