Other glacioalluvial and related alluvial deposits
downslope from lateral moraines and that
These are dominantly gravel and sand, subdi-
extends southwestward along the Chu-
vided into 1) kame-channel, 2) meltwater-chan-
gach Mountain Front from north of Ches-
ter Creek. fku are deposits modified by
nel, 3) outwash-train, and 4) alluvial deposits.
The first three categories constitute glacioalluvial
Deposits that exhibit high relief--Probably
deposits that formed in areas outside of glaciers
thicker than other kame deposits. Contacts
or recently abandoned by them. Alluvial deposits
gradational with them. Occur locally within
formed farther away from glaciers and after they
prominent kame field in Hillside area,
had a direct influence on deposition. Streams in
mainly south of North Fork Campbell
which they formed commonly led to deltas west
of the map area that were marginal to ancestral
Cook Inlet. These deposits are listed together
Deposits of Rabbit Creek moraines--
Thickness probably several meters. Occur
because they follow one another sequentially or
near Carol Creek.
grade from one to another to form nearly a con-
tinuum both in space and time. The glacioalluvial
Kame-terrace deposits (late Pleistocene). These are
deposits are named from the associated glacial
chiefly pebble and cobble gravel and sand, mod-
deposits, whereas the alluvial deposits are named
erately to well bedded and sorted; locally, they
may include boulders. They are moderately
Kame-channel deposits (late Pleistocene). These
loose, with contacts being generally well defined.
are chiefly pebble and cobble gravel and sand.
Topography is smooth, with slopes being gentle
Locally, they may include some finer materials,
except in the steep scarp at the edges of the terraces.
and may include pitted outwash or meltwater-
channel deposits, or both. Thickness is probably
at least a few meters. Contacts are well defined.
Deposits of the Elmendorf Moraine--
Thickness may be a few to as much as sev-
Topography is slightly hummocky in broad,
eral tens of meters. Occur near Little Peters
channel-like landforms of generally low relief
Creek where the valley intersects the
that commonly lie at levels intermediate between
Chugach Mountain Front.
kame and ground-moraine deposits of higher
ektr Roosevelt Road deposits--Younger depos-
relief and lower-lying meltwater channels with
ektru its that occur in three levels as part of gla-
gently sloping smooth surfaces; slopes are typi-
cioalluvial train formed when ancestral
cally gentle but locally are steeper where hum-
Eagle River extended from glacial Lake
mocks are well developed.
Eagle (in Eagle River Valley), through Fos-
sil Creek channel, and into Otter-Sixmile
Deposits of the Elmendorf Moraine--
channel. Equivalent to deposits in some
Occur extensively northeast of the Eagle
terrace levels in Fossil Creek channel;
River Flats. May grade into deposits
highest level deposits possibly equivalent
mapped as ekl farther northeast.
to low-level Tuomi Lake deposits. ektru are
Deposits of Dishno Pond moraines--Occur
deposits modified by urbanization or
locally in kame field southwest of Ship
other anthropogenic activity.
ektt Tuomi Lake deposits--Occur in two lev-
Deposits of Fort Richardson moraines--A
els that were part of same glacioalluvial
few occurrences in the Hillside area near
train as Roosevelt Road deposits. Occur
South Fork Campbell Creek.
only south of Sixmile Lake.
Meltwater-channel deposits. These are chiefly
Deposits of Dishno Pond moraines--Thick-
dktu ness probably a few to several meters.
gravel and sand, well bedded and sorted; at the
Occur in two levels north of Ship Creek.
surface they may include some finer-grained
dktu are deposits modified by urban-
material with thin organic accumulations. Thick-
ness is probably 1 m to a few meters except as
noted. In places, channel deposits may be very
Deposits of Fort Richardson moraines--
Thickness probably a few to several meters.
thin or absent and ground-moraine deposits or
Occur in Hillside area in a single dissected
bedrock may lie at shallow depth or floor the
terrace near North Fork Campbell Creek.
channel. Peat deposits may be present locally,
especially in smaller channels. Contacts are well
to contents