10 m. Occur discontinuously from Little
tocene)--Probably well compacted and oxi-
Peters Creek (300 m) to Eagle River (260 m),
dized. Thickness poorly known, probably a
where merge with end-moraine and kame
deposits to form prominent Elmendorf
al. Topography includes remnant ridges
Moraine complex; also present in valley
and patches of hummocky ground; slopes
tributary to Snowhawk Valley and in larg-
moderate to steep. Occur high on slopes of
est Wolverine Valley.
North Fork Campbell Creek Valley and in
mountain pass north of Ship Creek.
Deposits of Dishno Pond moraines (late
Pleistocene)--Thickness probably 1 m to
several meters, but as much as 15 m where
Ground-moraine deposits. These are formed
better developed near Ship Creek. Extend
mostly beneath glaciers; they are generally thinner
discontinuously from Parks Creek (390 m)
and found in landforms commonly more subdued
to south of Ship Creek (190 m); moderately
than the well-developed ridges and hills of end- and
well developed along Eagle River and its
lateral-moraine deposits. Where ground-moraine
South Fork Valleys; single small occurrence
deposits are extensively developed, those in sever-
in largest Wolverine Valley.
al distinctive types of landform are mapped sepa-
rately. They occur in the Anchorage Lowland
Deposits of Fort Richardson moraines (late
Pleistocene)--Thickness probably several
mainly north of the Elmendorf Moraine; south of it
meters, except 10 to 15 m where better
most ground-moraine deposits are concealed by
developed south of Chester Creek. Extend
younger deposits or modified by the action of gla-
discontinuously from near Carol Creek
cioestuarine water, or both. Occurrences along the
Chugach Mountain Front and within mountain
(500 m); quite continuous southwest of
valleys are more widely scattered and restricted in
Eagle River Valley, widening to form a well
developed complex of ridges in the Hill-
side area (350 m). Also present extensively
Deposits of Alaskan moraines (Holo-
but discontinuously along sides of several
cene)--Thickness poorly known, probably
mountain valleys.
several meters. Occur only in a few moun-
Deposits of Rabbit Creek moraines (late
tain valley heads in southeastern part of
Pleistocene)--Thickness ranges from sev-
map area.
eral meters in the northeastern to at least 10
Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--Simi-
m in the southwestern ends of the distribu-
lar to other ground-moraine deposits but
tion. Discontinuous from near Carol Creek
may be only a few meters thick. Bedrock
(580 m) to South Fork Campbell Creek,
may be present at surface locally. Single oc-
where well developed (440 m).
currence in valley head tributary to Snow-
Deposits of Little Rabbit Creek moraines
hawk Valley.
(Pleistocene)--May be more oxidized than
Deposits of the Elmendorf Moraine (late
younger lateral-moraine deposits. Thick-
emgu Pleistocene)--Thickness several to about 12
ness probably a few to several meters.
m, except only a few meters in mountain
Extend quite discontinuously southwest-
valleys. May include older ground-
ward from near South Fork Campbell
moraine deposits at depth. Contacts gener-
Creek (500 m); occur also at one locality in
ally well defined but may be gradational
Chester Creek Valley.
with other ground-moraine deposits. Top-
Deposits of Ski Bowl moraines (Pleisto-
ography generally smooth to very gently
cene)--Probably more compacted and oxi-
hummocky, slopes gentle to moderately
dized than younger lateral-moraine depos-
gentle. Widespread north of the Elmendorf
its. Thickness probably several meters.
(end) Moraine complex. Single occurrences
Contacts more gradational and topog-
in largest Wolverine Valley and in valley
raphy more subdued than those of young-
tributary to Snowhawk Valley. emgu are
er deposits. Occur along Chugach Moun-
deposits modified by urbanization.
tain Front in small saddle between front
emh Deposits with high relief--Thickness
and Ship Creek Valley (typical area) and as
emhu may be greater than in other ground-
scattered remnants farther up Ship Creek
moraine deposits, perhaps 15 to 20 m. Top-
Valley and in Snowhawk Valley.
ography more boldly hummocky to hilly
Deposits of Glen Alps moraines (Pleis-
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