than main-phase deposits and at lower
north of Meadow Creek and on a few
level. Possibly coeval with Mountain View
prominent topographic saddles high on
alluvial-fan deposits with which they
mountain interfluve ridges in southern
part of map area.
appear to merge. Occur only near west
Older deposits (Pleistocene)--Gravel and
edge of map area. eoyu are deposits modi-
sand of these deposits may be less well
fied by urbanization or other anthropo-
sorted, thinner, and probably more oxi-
genic activity.
dized than other channel deposits; may
Bluff Road deposits--Thickness probably
include much bedrock rubble and small
only a few meters, but underlain by Moun-
bedrock outcrops. Tentatively identified at
tain View deposits from which they may
a few places on high ridges near Mount
not be distinguished readily. Occur as fill-
Gordon Lyon and near benchmark Rusty.
ing of shallow channel that emanated from
younger phase of the Elmendorf Moraine
Outwash-train deposits. These are chiefly peb-
and that was incised across Mountain
ble and cobble gravel and sand, well bedded and
View alluvial-fan deposits. Underlie part
well sorted, that accumulated mainly out in front
of runways and housing area on Elmen-
of the Elmendorf Moraine and downstream from
dorf Air Force Base.
valley glaciers in mountain valleys. They are now
Deposits related to Dishno Pond moraines
(late Pleistocene)--Thickness probably a
found mainly in terraces and channels. Contacts
few meters. Occur in low terraces in Ship
are well defined. Topography is smooth and
slopes are gentle, except where they become
Creek and Chester Creek Valleys.
steep at terrace edges.
Deposits related to Fort Richardson mor-
aines (late Pleistocene)--Thickness at least
a few meters in Ship Creek and Snowhawk
Deposits related to Elmendorf moraines
(late Pleistocene)--Thickness several to a
Valleys where they form major terrace and
few tens of meters in fan-like remnants
may grade to (but are no longer in contact
that extend south from front of the Elmen-
with) glacial lake delta deposits, map unit
dorf Moraine complex and that probably
fgd. Probably thinner in Chester Creek Val-
were once more extensive. Some deposits
ley and other small valleys to the south.
appear to emerge from within moraine
Deposits related to Rabbit Creek moraines
complex, probably reflecting fluctuations
(late Pleistocene)--Thickness probably a
of the glacier front. Small occurrences in
few to several meters in Ship Creek Valley
largest Wolverine and Chester Creek Val-
adjacent to major end moraines; probably
leys likely to be only a few meters thick.
thinner in Wolverine Valleys.
eou are deposits modified by urbanization
Deposits related to Little Rabbit Creek
or other anthropogenic activity.
moraines (Pleistocene)--May be some-
Cheney Lake deposits--Thickness at least
what more oxidized than younger out-
10 m. Occur as remnants in channel now
wash-train deposits. Thickness probably 1
occupied by Cheney Lake, where principal
m to a few meters. Mapped at two places
deposit largely removed by excavation,
in largest Wolverine Valley; in smaller
and as a few terrace remnants nearby. Pos-
Wolverine Valleys included with kame-fan
sibly an extension of outwash from Elmen-
deposits into which they grade, map unit
dorf Moraine (map unit eo). chu are depos-
its modified by urbanization.
Patterson Street deposits--Thickness may
Alluvial deposits of Eagle River source (late Pleis-
be as much as 10 m. Occur in channel rem-
tocene). These are dominantly gravel and sand,
nants that extend discontinuously from
well bedded and well sorted, that occur at several
Glenn Highway south of Ship Creek to
levels but are found mainly in a major channel
North Fork Campbell Creek. Probably
and a large alluvial fan. They formed when water
outwash from Elmendorf Moraine (dis-
of glacial Lake Eagle (in Eagle River Valley),
continuously traceable to map unit eo). psu
dammed by the Elmendorf glacier, broke out and
are deposits modified by urbanization.
flowed southwestward around the ice as an
eoy Deposits of the younger phase of the
ancestral Eagle River, truncating outwash depos-
eoyu Elmendorf Moraine--Probably thinner
its that emanated directly from the glacier. Such a
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