Chugach Mountain Front. dmgu are depos-
and slopes steeper. Occur in association
its modified by urbanization or other
with end-moraine deposits as part of
Elmendorf Moraine complex, but not
anthropogenic activity.
formed in the well-developed ridges char-
Deposits in fluted terrain--Similar to other
acteristic of those deposits. emhu, deposits
ground-moraine deposits but occur in well-
modified by urbanization or other anthro-
developed, long, relatively narrow ridges
pogenic activity.
several meters high, parallel to direction of
emd Deposits in well-developed drumlins--
ice flow, and separated by channel-like de-
Thickness may be as much as 15 to 20 m.
pressions. Occur only in Eagle River Valley
Occur in elongate hills with moderately
just east of Eagle River community.
steep side slopes that merge laterally into
dmo Deposits overridden by later (Elmendorf)
low-relief terrain of other deposits, com-
glacier ice--Probably similar to fluted
monly other ground moraine. Best devel-
ground-moraine deposits but occur in very
oped northeast and southwest of Eagle
subdued ridges. Present only down-valley
River Flats.
from fluted terrain.
emf Deposits in fluted terrain--Similar to other
dmk Deposits that include some kame deposits--
ground-moraine deposits but formed in
More likely to include gravel and sand than
hills more elongate and of lower relief than
other ground-moraine deposits. Restricted
drumlins with which they are associated.
to a few localities near Dishno Pond.
Limited to a few occurrences near Lake
dmm Deposits modified by glacial lake water--
Thickness possibly a few meters in an irreg-
ularly thick mantle of somewhat better
emk Deposits that include some kame depos-
emku its--May include gravel and sand either in
sorted, more gravelly diamicton that forms
extensive areas that are not readily distin-
a lag accumulation seemingly originated
guishable from ground moraine or locally
by the winnowing action of glacial lake wa-
in areas too small to map separately. Occur
ter. Probably gradational at depth mostly to
mainly north and south of Peters Creek in
unmodified glacial diamicton. Occur at a
association with kame fields and at a few
few places in Eagle River Valley along
localities farther southwest. emku are
north side of river opposite mouth of South
deposits modified by urbanization or other
Fork Valley.
anthropogenic activity.
dmb Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--Similar
emm Deposits modified by glacial lake water--
to other ground-moraine deposits but only
Similar to other ground-moraine deposits
a few meters thick. Bedrock may be present
but surface of deposits appears to have
locally at ground surface. Single occurrence
been winnowed and include better-sorted
near mouth of South Fork Valley.
silt, sand, and gravel. Single occurrence
fmg Deposits of Fort Richardson moraines (late
along Eagle River about 3 km east of Glenn
Pleistocene)--Thickness probably a few to
several meters. Contacts well defined
emb Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--Simi-
except gradational with bedrock and
lar to other ground-moraine deposits but
lateral-moraine and colluvial deposits.
may be only a few meters thick. Bedrock
Topography generally smooth, slopes mod-
may be present at ground surface locally.
erate. Occur mainly in South Fork (Eagle
Occur locally along lower part of and adja-
River) Valley and locally downslope from
cent to Chugach Mountain Front and at
lateral moraines along Chugach Mountain
one place in valley tributary to Snowhawk
Front; occur also in Wolverine Valleys in
southern part of map area.
dmg Deposits of Dishno Pond moraines (late
fmb Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--
dmgu Pleistocene)--Thickness probably several
Thickness probably a few meters or less.
to 10 m. Contacts generally well defined,
Bedrock outcrops present locally; may
may be gradational with colluvium. Top-
include some admixed rubble. Occur at a
ography smooth to gently hummocky,
few scattered localities along Chugach
slopes gentle to moderate. Occur mainly
Mountain Front and in upper part of North
near Dishno Pond (typical area), in Eagle
Fork Campbell Creek Valley.
River Valley, and northward along the
rmg Deposits of Rabbit Creek moraines (late
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