Pleistocene)--Thickness probably a few
tocene)--Probably more oxidized than
meters. Contacts gradational with lateral-
younger deposits. Thickness probably a few
moraine and colluvial deposits. Topogra-
meters. Contacts gradational. Topography
phy smooth, slopes gentle to moderate.
smooth, slopes gentle to moderate, locally
Occur extensively in valleys of Chester
steeper. Occur in Chester Creek Valley.
Creek and the north and south forks of
Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--The
Campbell Creek, and at widely scattered
more common mode of occurrence for Glen
localities along the Chugach Mountain
Alps deposits. Thickness quite variable,
probably a few meters or less. Bedrock out-
crops common; admixed with or consisting
Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--
Thickness about 1 m to a few meters. Bed-
mostly of rubble. Topography somewhat
rock outcrops commonly present; include
more irregular than in areas of other ground
admixed rubble. Contacts well defined
moraine, slopes locally steep. Occur high on
except gradational with bedrock. Topogra-
slopes of Ship Creek Valley and on moun-
phy smooth, slopes gentle. A few occur-
tain interfluve ridge between North and
rences along Chugach Mountain Front.
South Forks of Campbell Creek.
mmg Deposits of Mount Magnificent moraines
Deposits of Little Rabbit Creek moraines
(Pleistocene)--May be more oxidized than
(Pleistocene)--Probably more oxidized and
younger deposits. Thickness probably
compacted than older deposits; clayey
only a few meters. Contacts gradational.
matrix common locally. Thickness com-
Topography smooth, slopes gentle to
monly a few meters, perhaps thicker where
moderate. Occur in Ship Creek Valley and
more extensive. Contacts fairly well defined
in a few places along Chugach Mountain
to gradational. Topography smooth to
Front south of North Fork Campbell
slightly irregular, slopes mainly gentle.
Occur on high-level glacially planed bed-
rock surfaces between Little Peters and
Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--
Thickness may be about 1 m. Some bed-
Meadow Creeks (typical area) and at a few
rock outcrops present; include admixed
smaller localities on interfluve ridges adja-
cent to Ship Creek and North Fork Camp-
rubble. Occur at several places along
bell Creek Valleys.
Chugach Mountain Front southward from
mmb Deposits that include mainly bedrock rub-
the north side of Ship Creek.
ble--Thickness probably 1 m or little more;
Deposits of Ski Bowl moraines (Pleis-
tocene)--Probably more oxidized than
in many places may consist only of widely
younger deposits. Thickness a few to sev-
scattered erratics; bedrock outcrops com-
eral meters. Contacts gradational. Topog-
mon. Contacts gradational. Topography
raphy smooth, slopes moderate. Occur in
fairly smooth, slopes gentle, somewhat
broad areas where mountain valleys
steeper near contacts. Occur at scattered lo-
emerge along the Chugach Mountain
calities high on mountain ridges near Carol,
Front, at scattered localities on mountain
Ship, and North Fork Campbell Creeks.
ridges (especially south of Meadow
omb Older deposits that include mainly bedrock
rubble (Pleistocene)--Thickness less than 1
Creek), and at one locality in Ship Creek
m; in many places consist of rubble with
widely scattered erratics; bedrock outcrops
Deposits that thinly mantle bedrock--
Thickness possibly 1 m to a few meters.
common. Contacts fairly well defined. To-
Small bedrock outcrops common; admixed
pography smooth, slopes gentle to nearly
with or containing mostly rubble, espe-
flat. Occur high on interfluve ridges near
cially in small map-unit areas. Topogra-
South Fork Eagle River Valley and Snow-
phy smooth, slopes gentle to moderate.
hawk Valley, near McHugh Peak, and on
Occur at scattered localities along Eagle
summit of Flattop Mountain. Altitudinally
River Valley and south of there near the
similar to deposits on summit of Mount
northwestern ends of mountain interfluve
Susitna (west side of Cook Inlet Basin).
ridges, especially where Ship Creek Valley
emerges at the Chugach Mountain Front.
Kame and kame-terrace deposits
Kame deposits and kame-terrace deposits are
Deposits of Glen Alps moraines (Pleis-
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