of fairly high relief. Thickness possibly a
both glacioalluvial in origin and closely associ-
few tens of meters. Formed by ancestral
ated with glacier ice. Kame deposits are formed
Eagle River as part of a glacioalluvial train
by running water within a glacier during the ear-
ly stages of stagnation when large amounts of
that extended from glacial Lake Eagle (in
glacier ice were still present. They occur in fields
Eagle River Valley), through Fossil Creek
of locally prominent landforms that include
channel, and into the Otter-Sixmile chan-
irregular hills and areas of sharply hummocky
nel; in this sector the stream entered the
terrain. Kame fields are especially well devel-
margin of the glacier and deposits were
oped in the margins of the Anchorage Lowland
emplaced beneath it.
down-valley from major mountain valleys,
Deposits of low relief--Occur in fairly
where copious quantities of water drained from
broad areas with moderately irregular top-
the valleys into the glacier. Some kames of espe-
ography that lie at intermediate levels
cially high relief are mapped separately, but the
between higher-lying kames and channels
significance of differences in relief is not evident.
cut below them; may be pitted outwash
Eskers (similarly formed deposits in long, com-
deposits. Thickness perhaps only a few
monly sinuous ridges) of substantial size have
meters. Occur mainly southwest, locally
not been recognized, but several small esker-like
northeast, of Peters Creek Valley in areas
ridges are included in kame deposits. Kame-
of kames and ground moraine. May grade
terrace deposits were formed by running water
to some deposits mapped farther south-
outside the margin of a glacier and occur in long,
west as kame-channel deposits.
narrow landforms that have smoothly sloping
Deposits that thinly mantle older bedrock--
surfaces with prominent scarps on their ice-
Similar to other kame deposits but may be
proximal (downslope) sides that developed
only a few meters thick; bedrock may be
when the adjacent glacier melted.
exposed locally. Occur only near Upper
Kame deposits (late Pleistocene). These are
and Lower Fire Lakes.
chiefly pebble and cobble gravel and sand, mod-
ekby Deposits that thinly mantle younger bed-
erately to well bedded, in places chaotically; they
rock--Similar to other kame deposits but
are generally well sorted; they include some silt,
may be only 1 m to a few meters thick; bed-
and, especially in the cores of hills, diamicton;
rock exposed locally; some apparent bed-
rock that includes thin coal beds instead
locally, they may include large boulders. They are
may be detached blocks of rock that were
moderately loose, but compact in the cores of
shoved by glacier ice. Occur only near and
some hills. Contacts are generally well defined,
north of Eagle River community.
merging with end- and lateral-moraine deposits.
Deposits of Dishno Pond moraines--In
Topography is sharply hilly to hummocky, with
dku landforms of moderately high relief. Thick-
some local depressions; slopes are moderate to
ness several to a few tens of meters. Occur
steep, except being gentle to nearly flat in minor
principally in prominent kame field south
channels, on depression floors, and on some hill-
of Ship Creek, locally farther northeast.
dku are deposits modified by urbanization
Deposits of the Elmendorf Moraine--In
or other anthropogenic activity.
landforms of moderate to low relief.
dkh Deposits that exhibit high relief--Probably
Thickness several to a few tens of meters.
thicker than other kame deposits, and
Widely distributed within areas of ground
topography more bold. Occur mainly in
moraine. eku are deposits modified by
kame field south of Ship Creek; single
occurrence east of Eagle River community.
ekh Deposits that exhibit high relief--In land-
dkb Deposits that thinly mantle older bed-
ekhu forms of broader shape than most kames,
rock--Thickness may be only a few meters;
and locally with steeper side slopes. Thick-
bedrock may be exposed locally. A few
ness possibly several tens of meters; local-
occurrences along base of Chugach Moun-
ly may include larger cores of diamicton
tain Front southwest of Eagle River.
than smaller kames. Associated mainly
Deposits of Fort Richardson moraines--
with end-moraine deposits. ekhu are
Thickness probably a few to a few tens of
deposits modified by urbanization.
meters. Occur mainly in a prominent kame
ekg Deposits near Gwenn Lake--In landforms
field that dominates the Hillside area
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